This is a starter project for creating Shopify Apps with a Neo4J database and ES6 Node.JS
$ npm install
This will install all of the packages specified in package.json. There are webpack and react / redux packages included to expand upon this and add a client side. Babel is included as a dependency instead of devDependency because Heroku (the deployed instanced I developed too) only installs the dependencies and babel is a requirement to build since it is in ES6.
- Sign-up for a partner account with Shopify. See the Shopify API Getting Started Guide for more information.
- Create a Shopify App with Embedded App SDK enabled, application url of the APP_DOMAIN, and the Redirection URL of APP_DOMAIN/oauth. For example, for the APP_DOMAIN and for the Redirection URL. The properties can be changed, but just needed to be updated accordingly in the routes.js file.
- Get a Node server and Neo4J server (I developed against and tested for Heroku and Graph Story, a Neo4J Heroku add-on).
- Update the server/config/globals.js file with the specified credentials.
- Deploy the app to the server.
//Shopify App related globals
export const GLOBALS = {
apiKey: 'API_KEY',
secret: 'API_SECRET',
scope: 'APP_SCOPE'
//Seraph and Neo4J related global
export const DB = seraph({ server: 'NE04J_SERVER',
user: 'NE04J_USER',
pass: 'NE04J_PASSWORD' });
- For the Node Shopify API, I used shopify-node-api.
- For connecting to Neo4J, I used seraph.
- For information regarding the Shopify API, see Shopify's API Documentation.