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Jackson Garner edited this page Oct 5, 2019 · 3 revisions

Xest uses Dhall for all of its configuration. If you're unfamiliar with it, I would highly recommend checking out the examples on that website. Xest definitely doesn't use Dhall to its full potential.

If your window manager fails to start because of a configuration problem, an extremely verbose error message is printed to standard out.

Default modes

Normal mode

Overrides plenty of keys to perform actions. Also, unhides a polybar window if it exists.

Insert mode

Allows you to interact with your windows in a normal way.

Mouse mode

Takes control of the mouse allowing you to resize/move tilers around.

Default keybindings

Note, these try to be fairly mnemonic, but some were picked because they were convenient in the 3l keyboard layout. If you have a better default layout, let me know.

Insert Mode:

  • super = Enter normal mode

Normal Mode

  • esc = Exit normal mode and enter insert mode
  • r = Enter mouse mode. While in this mode, try dragging while clicking one of the buttons.
  • t = Open termite.
  • b = Exit Xest.
  • Left = Focus to the left.
  • Right = Focus to the right.
  • number keys = Focus the tiler at that position.
  • v = Insert a rotation tiler.
  • f = Insert a full screen tiler.
  • d = Launch rofi.
  • h = Insert a floating/hovering tiler.
  • n = Insert a horizontal tiler.
  • i = Move the input controller inwards, away from the root.
  • o = Move the input controller out, towards the root.
  • y = Pop the Tiler after the input controller out of the tree and on to the stack.
  • p = Pop the tiler at the top of the stack into the tree.
  • s = Perform some special action based on the tiler. Currently only implemented for the floating tiler to make the currently focused tiler the background.
  • m = Kill the active window.
  • z = Zoom the monitor of whatever screen you're on inwards, away from the root.
  • q = Zoom the monitor out.

Mouse mode

  • u exit mouse mode
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