- Obtain a Dev Hub Trial Org
- Clone this repo
- Authenticate the Dev Hub
- Authenticate a sandbox org (optional)
- Install AgileAccelerator managed package by executing
$sfdx force:package:install -p "Salesforce Agile Accelerator" -w 10
- Create an org dependent unlocked package by executing
$sfdx force:package:create -n OrgDependentTestPkg -d "Test package for Salesforce troubleshooting" -t Unlocked -e -r force-app --orgdependent
- Create a version of the package just created by executing
$sfdx force:package:version:create -p OrgDependentTestPkg -x -w 10
- Promote the package for install in a production org by executing
$sfdx force:package:version:promote -p [email protected] -n
- Note: This step is only needed if you are planning to install the package in a production instance. If you are using a sandbox, you can skip this step
- Install package in destination org by executing
$sfdx force:package:install -p [email protected] -w 20
The expected outcome is that the package install will complete in the destination environment.
The addition of a workflow rule on a managed package object causes the package install to fail with the following message:
Cannot add component of type:CustomObject named:agf__ADM_Work__c subjectId:01I3t000000IqTh to another package because it is an installed component., Details: package.xml: Cannot add component of type:CustomObject named:agf__ADM_Work__c subjectId:01I3t000000IqTh to another package because it is an installed component.
If the agf__ADM_Work__c.workflow-meta.xml file is removed from the source and steps 7-9 are repeated, the expected outcome is achieved.