obsidian-vault is a CLI to backup your Obsidian notes in GitHub using AES-GCM-256 authenticated encryption.
The following CLIs are required to use obsidian-vault:
obsidian-vault can be installed via homebrew-tap with
brew install jhandguy/tap/obsidian-vault
or downloaded as binary from the releases page.
➜ ov
obsidian-vault is a CLI to backup your Obsidian notes in GitHub using AES-GCM-256 authenticated encryption.
ov [command]
Available Commands:
clean Clean and remove local vaults
clone Create and clone private GitHub repository
help Help about any command
pull Pull and decrypt remote vault from Git
push Encrypt and push local vault to Git
--config string name of the config folder (default ".obsidian")
-d, --debug debug for ov
-h, --help help for ov
--path string path to the obsidian vault (default ".")
-v, --version version for ov
Use "ov [command] --help" for more information about a command.