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Jargyle is a Java SOCKS5 API and server that uses SSL/TLS, DTLS, and SOCKS5 server chaining. It is inspired by JSocks, SocksLib, Esocks and Dante.

You can find more information about Jargyle here.



Jargyle is licensed under the MIT license. Its license can be found here.

Contributing Guidelines

The contributing guidelines can be found here.

Directory Overview

The following is a simple overview of the directory.

.github: Contains GitHub workflow files that perform tests and analysis when a push has been made to the GitHub repository

docs: Contains the website/documentation

jargyle-cli: Maven module for the Jargyle command line interface API

jargyle-client: Maven module for the SOCKS client API

jargyle-common: Maven module for the public API used by all modules

jargyle-distribution: Maven module for creating the binary distribution

jargyle-integration-test: Maven module for integration testing between the SOCKS client API and the SOCKS server API.

jargyle-internal: Maven module for the internal API used by all modules

jargyle-performance-test: Maven module for performance testing of the SOCKS server API.

jargyle-protocolbase: Maven module for the foundational API for the SOCKS client API and the SOCKS server API

jargyle-report-aggregate: Maven module for generating the aggregated test coverage reports

jargyle-server: Maven module for the SOCKS server API

jargyle-test-help: Maven module for the test help API. This module is used internally to help with testing.

src/site: Contains files used to generate docs/

.gitignore: List of directories and files for Git to ignore such as Eclipse and IntelliJ IDEA project directories and files Code of conduct for contributing to this project Contributing guidelines

LICENSE: The license for this project

pom.xml: The Maven POM file for this project This README file

Build Requirements

You will need the following to build Jargyle:

  • JDK 9 or higher
  • Apache Maven 3.3.9 or higher

Once you have installed the requirements, be sure to have the environment variable JAVA_HOME set to the Java home directory.

Frequently Used Maven Commands

The following are Maven commands that are frequently used for this project. These commands are to be executed at the top directory of Jargyle.

mvn clean: Deletes directories and files created by this project.

mvn clean compile site:site site:stage site:deploy: Performs a clean build and produces the website/documentation.

The produced website/documentation can be found in docs/.

Included in the website/documentation is the reference documentation. The reference documentation was generated from special annotations within in the source code. Should any of these special annotations in the source code be added, changed, moved, or removed, you will need to run the following commands before running the above command:

# This command is necessary if the binary distribution is not built
mvn clean package -DskipTests=true
# Change to the directory of XHTML reference documentation
cd src/site/xhtml/reference/
# Run Jargyle to generate XHTML reference documents in the present directory 
../../../../jargyle-distribution/target/jargyle-distribution-5.0.0-SNAPSHOT-bin/bin/jargyle generate-reference-docs
# Change back to the top directory of Jargyle
cd ../../../../

mvn clean package -DskipTests=true: Performs a clean build of the binary distribution skipping the execution of all tests.

The built binary distribution can be found as a directory and in multiple archive formats in jargyle-distribution/target/.

mvn clean test -Pcoverage: Performs a clean build, executes all tests except integration tests, and produces the aggregated test coverage reports.

The aggregated test coverage reports can be found in jargyle-report-aggregate/target/.

The option -Pcoverage can be removed if you do not want the aggregated test coverage reports produced.

mvn clean verify --projects=\!jargyle-performance-test,\!jargyle-distribution -Pcoverage: Performs a clean build, executes all tests including integration tests except the ones from the project jargyle-performance-test, skips building the binary distribution, and produces the aggregated test coverage reports.

The argument \!jargyle-performance-test for the option --projects can be removed if you want the performance tests to be executed. If the performance tests are executed, the results can be found in jargyle-performance-test/target/performance-results/.

The aggregated test coverage reports can be found in jargyle-report-aggregate/target/.

The option -Pcoverage can be removed if you do not want the aggregated test coverage reports produced.