A service adapter for Sequelize, an SQL ORM
npm install feathers-sequelize --save
hooks a Sequelize Model up as a service.
var SequelizeModel = require('./models/mymodel');
var sequelize = require('feathers-sequelize');
app.use('/todos', sequelize({
Model: SequelizeModel
Here is an example of a Feathers server with a todos
SQLite Sequelize Model:
var path = require('path');
var feathers = require('feathers');
var bodyParser = require('body-parser');
var Sequelize = require('sequelize');
var sequelizeService = require('feathers-sequelize');
var sequelize = new Sequelize('sequelize', '', '', {
dialect: 'sqlite',
storage: path.join(__dirname, 'db.sqlite'),
logging: false
var Todo = sequelize.define('todo', {
text: {
type: Sequelize.STRING
complete: {
type: Sequelize.BOOLEAN
}, {
freezeTableName: true
// Removes all database content
Todo.sync({ force: true });
// Create a feathers instance.
var app = feathers()
// Enable Socket.io
// Enable REST services
// Turn on JSON parser for REST services
// Turn on URL-encoded parser for REST services
.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true }));
// Create an in-memory Feathers service with a default page size of 2 items
// and a maximum size of 4
app.use('/todos', sequelizeService({
Model: Todo,
paginate: {
default: 2,
max: 4
// Start the server
console.log('Feathers Todo Sequelize service running on');
You can run this example by using node examples/basic
and going to localhost:8080/todos. You should see an empty array. That's because you don't have any Todos yet but you now have full CRUD for your new todos service.
There are several ways to extend the basic CRUD functionality of this service.
Keep in mind that calling the original service methods will return a Promise that resolves with the value.
The most flexible option is weaving in functionality through feathers-hooks, for example, the user that made the request could be added like this:
var feathers = require('feathers');
var hooks = require('feathers-hooks');
var sequelize = require('feathers-sequelize');
// Assuming todo.js exports the Sequelize model definition
var Todo = require('./models/todo.js');
var app = feathers()
.use('/todos', sequelize({
Model: Todo,
paginate: {
default: 2,
max: 4
// You can create a single hook like this
create: function(hook, next) {
hook.data.user_id = hook.params.user.id;
The module also exports a Babel transpiled ES6 class as Service
that can be directly extended like this:
import Todo from './models/todo';
import { Service } from 'feathers-sequelize';
class MyService extends Service {
create(data, params) {
data.user_id = params.user.id;
return super.create(data, params);
app.use('/todos', new MyService({
Model: Todo,
paginate: {
default: 2,
max: 4
You can also use .extend
on a service instance (extension is provided by Uberproto):
var myService = memory({
Model: Todo,
paginate: {
default: 2,
max: 4
create: function(data, params) {
data.user_id = params.user.id;
return this._super.apply(this, arguments);
app.use('/todos', myService);
Note: this is more for backwards compatibility. We recommend the usage of hooks as they are easier to test, easier to maintain and are more flexible.
Creating a new Sequelize service currently offers the following options:
- The Sequelize model definitionid
) - The name of the id propertypaginate
[optional] - A pagination object containing adefault
page size (see below)
When initializing the service you can set the following pagination options in the paginate
- Sets the default number of itemsmax
- Sets the maximum allowed number of items per page (even if the$limit
query parameter is set higher)
When paginate.default
is set, find
will return an object (instead of the normal array) in the following form:
"total": "<total number of records>",
"limit": "<max number of items per page>",
"skip": "<number of skipped items (offset)>",
"data": [/* data */]
The find
API allows the use of $limit
, $skip
, $sort
, and $select
in the query. These special parameters can be passed directly inside the query object:
// Find all recipes that include salt, limit to 10, only include name field.
{"ingredients":"salt", "$limit":10, "$select": ["name"] } } // JSON
GET /?ingredients=salt&$limit=10&$select[]=name // HTTP
As a result of allowing these to be put directly into the query string, you won't want to use $limit
, $skip
, $sort
, or $select
as the name of fields in your document schema.
will return only the number of results you specify:
// Retrieves the first two records found where age is 37.
query: {
age: 37,
$limit: 2
will skip the specified number of results:
// Retrieves all except the first two records found where age is 37.
query: {
age: 37,
$skip: 2
will sort based on the object you provide:
// Retrieves all where age is 37, sorted ascending alphabetically by name.
query: {
age: 37,
$sort: { name: 1 }
// Retrieves all where age is 37, sorted descending alphabetically by name.
query: {
age: 37,
$sort: { name: -1}
support in a query allows you to pick which fields to include or exclude in the results.
// Only retrieve name.
query: {
name: 'Alice',
$select: {'name': 1}
// Retrieve everything except age.
query: {
name: 'Alice',
$select: {'age': 0}
In addition to sorting and pagination, properties can also be filtered by criteria. Standard criteria can just be added to the query. For example, the following find all users with the name Alice
query: {
name: 'Alice'
Additionally, the following advanced criteria are supported for each property.
Find all records where the property does ($in
) or does not ($nin
) contain the given values. For example, the following query finds every user with the name of Alice
or Bob
query: {
name: {
$in: ['Alice', 'Bob']
Find all records where the value is less ($lt
) or less and equal ($lte
) to a given value. The following query retrieves all users 25 or younger:
query: {
age: {
$lte: 25
Find all records where the value is more ($gt
) or more and equal ($gte
) to a given value. The following query retrieves all users older than 25:
query: {
age: {
$gt: 25
Find all records that do not contain the given property value, for example anybody not age 25:
query: {
age: {
$ne: 25
Find all records that match any of the given objects. For example, find all users name Bob or Alice:
query: {
$or: [
{ name: 'Alice' },
{ name: 'Bob' }
- Use ES6 classes and Promises
- Support for pagination
- Initial release
Copyright (c) 2015
Licensed under the MIT license.