Run Docker containers for jest tests with an async setup function
This is a very simple wrapper around jest-testcontainers
that allows
you to specify a simple async function in the setup property of
the container config.
const pg = require('pg')
module.exports = {
postgres: {
image: 'postgres',
tag: 'alpine',
ports: [5432],
env: {
POSTGRES_PASSWORD: "coolpassword",
wait: {
type: 'ports',
timeout: 30000
async setup() {
const client = new pg.Client({
user: 'admin',
password: 'coolpassword',
database: 'admin',
host: process.env.__TESTCONTAINERS_POSTGRES_IP__,
port: +process.env.__TESTCONTAINERS_POSTGRES_PORT_5432__
await client.connect();
await client.query(`
create table test_table(
id serial not null,
name varchar not null
await client.end();