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@joakime joakime tagged this 23 Jul 17:47
 + 1100 JSR356 Encoder#init is not called when created on demand
 + 4736 Update Import-Package version start ranges
 + 4890 JettyClient behavior when SETTINGS_HEADER_TABLE_SIZE is set to 0 in
   SETTINGS Frame.
 + 4904 WebsocketClient creates more connections than needed
 + 4965 WINDOW_UPDATE for locally failed stream should not close the HTTP/2
 + 4967 Possible buffer corruption in HTTP/2 session failures
 + 4971 Simplify Connection.upgradeFrom()/upgradeTo()
 + 4976 HttpClient async content throws NPE in DEBUG log
 + 4981 Incorrect example for TryFilesFilter API docs
 + 4985 Fix NPE related to use of Attributes.Wrapper getAttributeNameSet()
 + 4989 Prevent parsing of module-info.class in OSGi bundles
 + 5000 NPE from Server.dump of FilterMapping
 + 5013 Bundle-ClassPath and lib place on WEB-INF/lib make classpath duplicate
 + 5018 WebSocketClient connect / upgrade timeout not configurable
 + 5019 Automatically hot-reload SSL certificates if keystore file changed
 + 5020 LifeCycle.Listener not called for Filter/Servlet/Listener lifecycle
 + 5025 dispatcher.include() with welcome files lead to stack overflow error
 + 5053 CWE-331 in DigestAuthentication class
 + 5057 `javax.servlet.include.context_path` attribute on root context. should
   be empty string, but is `"/"`
 + 5064 NotSerializableException for OpenIdConfiguration
 + 5069 HttpClientTimeoutTests can occasionally fail due to unreachable network
Assets 2