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@joakime joakime tagged this 27 May 22:25
 + 113 Add support for NCSA Extended Log File Format
 + 114 Bring back overlay deployer
 + 132 ClientConnector abstraction
 + 207 Support javax.websocket version 1.1
 + 215 Add Conscrypt for native ALPN/TLS/SSL
 + 228 HTTP session can be automatically (re)created after session invalidation
   under race conditions
 + 250 Implement HTTP CONNECT for HTTP/2
 + 300 Implement Deflater / Inflater Object Pool
 + 482 [jetty-osgi] The CCL while parsing the xml files should be set to a
   combination of Jetty and Bundle-Classloader
 + 592 Support no-value Host header in HttpParser
 + 675 Slf4jLog.ignore() should produce at DEBUG level
 + 676 JavaUtilLog.ignore() should produce at DEBUG level
 + 677 Logging of .ignore() should indicate that it was an "Ignored Exception"
 + 746 Implement Servlet 4.0 Request.getMappings
 + 801 Jetty respond with status 200 instead of 304 while using Servlet 4.0
 + 809 NPE in WebInfConfiguration for webapp deploy in osgi
 + 987 Can GzipHandler check if .gz file exists only by some paths?
 + 1135 Avoid allocations from Method.getParameterTypes() if possible
 + 1200 Use PathWatcher in DeploymentManager
 + 1350 Dynamic selection of the transport to use based on ALPN on the client
 + 1368 Need to support KeyStore/TrustStore with null passwords
 + 1384 Expose StatisticsServlet to webapp
 + 1468 Configure PKIX Revocation Checker for SslContextFactory
 + 1485 Add systemd service file
 + 1498 Add JRTResource to support future Java 9 classloader behaviors
 + 1499 ClasspathPattern needs MODULE ruleset to support future Java 9
   classloader behaviors
 + 1503 IPv6 address needs normalization (without brackets) in
 + 1551 Move CookieCutter to jetty-http
 + 1571 Support Hazelcast session management in 9.4
 + 1591 JDBCSessionDataStore doesn't work with root context on Oracle DB
 + 1592 CompressedContentFormat.tagEquals() - incorrect comparison of entity
   tag hashes
 + 1595 HTTP/2: Avoid sending unnecessary stream WINDOW_UPDATE frames
 + 1599 WebSocketCloseTest fails
 + 1600 Update jndi.mod and plus.mod
 + 1603 WebSocketServerFactory NPE in toString()
 + 1604 WebSocketContainer stop needs improvement
 + 1605 ContainerProvider.getWebSocketContainer() behavior is not to spec
 + 1615 Password defaults in jetty-ssl-context.xml should be removed
 + 1618 AsyncContext.dispatch() does not use raw/encoded URI
 + 1622 HeaderFilter doesn't work if the response has been committed
 + 1623 JettyRunMojo use dependencies from reactor (outputdirectory)
 + 1625 Support new IANA declared Websocket Close Status Codes
 + 1637 Thread per connection retained in HTTP/2
 + 1642 Using RewriteHandler with AsyncContext.dispatch() and
   HttpServletRequestWrapper not possible
 + 1643 ProxyServlet always uses default number of selector threads -
   constructor should allow to overwrite the default.
 + 1645 NotSerializableException: DoSFilter when using Non-Clustered Session
   Management: File System
 + 1656 Improve configurability of ConnectionPools
 + 1671 Asymmetric usage of trailers in MetaData.Request
 + 1675 Session id should not be logged with INFO level in AbstractSessionCache
 + 1676 Remove Deprecated classes & methods
 + 1679 DeploymentManagerMBean not usable through JMX
 + 1682 Jetty-WarFragmentFolderPath directive has no effect in eclipse runtime
   mode except for the first launch
 + 1692 Annotation scanning should ignore `module-info.class` files
 + 1698 Missing WWW-Authenticate from SpnegoAuthenticator when other
   Authorization header provided
 + 1743 Refactor jetty maven plugin goals to be more orthogonal
 + 1836 Migrate Locker implementation to JVM ReentrantLock implementation
 + 1838 Servlet 4.0.0 artifact now available on
 + 1852 Fix quickstart generation for servlet 4.0
 + 1898 Request.getCookie() should ignore invalid cookies
 + 1956 Store and report build information of Jetty
 + 2074 Forward with query duplicates parameter values
 + 2075 Deprecating MultiException
 + 2095 Remove FastCGI multiplexing
 + 2103 Server should open connectors early in start sequence
 + 2108 Update licence headers and plugin for 2018
 + 2172 Support javax.websocket 1.1
 + 2173 Move server classes and dependencies out from websocket-core
 + 2174 Move client classes and dependencies out from websocket-core
 + 2175 Refactor WebSocket close handling
 + 2191 JPMS Support
 + 2429 Review HttpClient backpressure semantic
 + 2431 Upgrade to Junit 5
 + 2578 Use addEventListener(EventListener listener)
 + 2634 occasional exception stack trace in UnixSocketTest
 + 2643 Switch SslContextFactory.keystoreType from `JKS` to `PKCS12`
 + 2788 Graceful close of HTTP/2 Connection
 + 2868 Adding SPNEGO authentication support for Jetty Client
 + 2901 Introduce HttpConnectionUpgrader as a conversation component in
 + 2909 Remove B64Code
 + 2948 Require JDK 11 for Jetty 10.x
 + 2978 Add to relevant Jetty modules
 + 2983 Jetty 10 Configuration abstraction
 + 2985 Jetty 10 Configuration replacement algorithm incorrect
 + 2996 ContextHandler.setDefaultContextPath() not implemented for quickstart.
 + 3009 Update Jetty 10 to use non-LEGACY Compliance Modes
 + 3010 Move old MultiPart parsing implementation to jetty-http
 + 3011 Move HttpCompliance to HttpConfiguration
 + 3012 Refactor HttpCompliance and HttpComplianceSection to be friendlier to
 + 3106 Websocket connection stats and request stats
 + 3129 javax-websocket-common pom.xml is wrong
 + 3139 NPE on
 + 3154 Add support for to HttpClient
 + 3159 WebSocket permessage-deflate RSV1 validity check
 + 3162 Use Jetty specific Servlet API jar
 + 3167 JavaxWebSocketServerContainerInitializer always creates a HttpClient
 + 3170 WebSocket proxy PoC
 + 3182 Restore websocket example files
 + 3185 Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: JavaSE-11 for Jetty 10.0.x
 + 3186 Jetty maven plugin - javax.annotation.jar picked up from jetty plugin
   rather than from applications classpath
 + 3197 Use jetty specific websocket API jar
 + 3216 Autobahn WebSocketServer failures in jetty 10
 + 3225 Response.sendError should not set reason.
 + 3249 Update to apache jasper 9.0.14 for jetty-10
 + 3274 OSGi versions of java.base classes in conflicts with new rules on Java 9+
 + 3279 WebSocket write may hang forever
 + 3288 Correct websocket artifactIds on jetty-10.0.x
 + 3290 async websocket onOpen, onError and onClose in 10.0.x
 + 3298 Review jetty-10 websocket CompletableFuture usage.
 + 3303 Update to jakarta ee javax artifacts for jetty-10
 + 3308 Remove deprecated methods from sessions
 + 3320 Review Jetty 10
 + 3333 Jetty 10 standalone cannot start on the module-path
 + 3340 Update PushCacheFilter to use Servlet 4.0 APIs
 + 3341 XmlBasedHttpClientProvider in Jetty 10
 + 3351 Restructure jetty-unixsocket module
 + 3374 JSR356 RemoteEndpoint.Async.setSendTimeout() logic invalid in Jetty
 + 3379 Tracking of WebSocket Sessions in WebSocket containers
 + 3380 WebSocket should support jetty-io Connection.Listener
 + 3382 Jetty WebSocket Session.suspend() not implemented
 + 3385 Modernize jetty-util-ajax
 + 3399 XmlConfiguration jetty.webapps.uri is the uri of the webapp not the
   parent dir
 + 3412 problems with jetty 10 WebSocket session customizer
 + 3446 allow jetty WebSockets to be upgraded using WebSocketUpgradeFilter in
 + 3453 Removing moved Extension classes from jetty-websocket-api
 + 3458 ensure users of the jetty-websocket-api do not have to see
   websocket-core classes
 + 3462 client validation of websocket upgrade response
 + 3465 websocket negotiation of extension configuration parameters
 + 3479 review and cleanup of jetty-websocket-api in jetty-10
 + 3484 ClassCastException when using websocket-core classes in
 + 3537 Bootstrapping WebSockets with HTTP/2
 + 3564 Update jetty-10.0.x to apache jsp 9.0.19
 + 3578 Adopt EPL-2.0 for Jetty-10
 + 3608 Reply with 400 Bad request to malformed WebSocket handshake
 + 3616 Backport WebSocket SessionTracker from Jetty 10
 + 3661 JettyWebSocketServerContainer exposes websocket common classes
 + 3666 WebSocket - Handling sent 1009 close frame.
 + 3696 Unwrap JavaxWebSocketClientContainer.connectToServer() exceptions
 + 3705 Review ClientUpgradeRequest exception handling
 + 3712 change maxIdleTime to idleTimeout in jetty-10 websockets
 + 3719 Clean up jetty-10 modules
 + 3726 Remove OSGi export uses of servlet-api from jetty-util
 + 3734 websocket suspend when input closed
 + 3751 Modern Configure DTD / FPI is used inconsistently
 + 3789 XmlConfiguration set from property
 + 3809 sending WebSocket close frame with error StatusCode does not do a hard
   close (Jetty-10)
 + 3839 JavaxWebSocketServletContainerInitializer fails
 + 3872 Review exposure of JavaxWebSocketServletContainerInitializer
 + 3924 Deprecate Resource.writeTo(OutputStream, long, long)
 + 3951 Consider adding demand API to HTTP/2
 + 3952 Server configuration for direct/heap ByteBuffers
 + 3953 Client configuration for direct/heap ByteBuffers
 + 3964 Improve efficiency of listeners
 + 4076 Restarting quickstarted webapp throws IllegalStateException:
   ServletContainerInitializersStarter already exists
 + 4148 Cannot configure maxFrameSize with javax websockets.
 + 4150 Module org.eclipse.jetty.alpn.client not found, required by
 + 4152 WebSocket autoFragment does not fragment based on maxFrameSize
 + 4177 Configure HTTP proxy with SslContextFactory
 + 4222 Major/Minor Version wrong (jetty 10 is servlet 4)
 + 4225 Fix JPMS transitivity
 + 4226 WebSocketCoreSession leaks into JPMS exported classes
 + 4238 how to pass jetty properties into OSGI for xml configuration
 + 4247 Cookie security attributes are going to mandated by Google Chrome
 + 4315 Jetty-10 WebSocketSession stopped twice by SessionTracker
 + 4321 Review Graceful shutdown in jetty-10
 + 4340 Continuing after ServiceLoader ServiceConfigurationError.
 + 4341 sending WebSocket frames modifies the payload ByteBuffer
 + 4342 OpenID module cannot create HttpClient in Jetty 10
 + 4349 Verify WebSocket client behaviour for negotiation of internal
 + 4361 Update jetty-10.0.x to apache jasper 9.0.29
 + 4368 Review need for MultiParts interface in jetty-10
 + 4369 Review jsp configuration params for jetty-10
 + 4382 Support HTTP/1 upgrade to HTTP/2 in HttpClient
 + 4383 Errors deleting multipart tmp files java.lang.NullPointerException
   under heavy load
 + 4400 Review HttpClient's ContentProvider
 + 4401 Cannot use javax.websocket client from within web app
 + 4407 Javax WebSocket annotations not being used as default EndpointConfig
 + 4408 Javax WebSocket encoder/decoders not working in jetty 10.0.x
 + 4432 Implement ServletContext.set/getSessionTimeout
 + 4433 Implement ServletContext.addJspFile
 + 4434 Implement ServletContext.get/setRequestCharacterEncoding and
 + 4444 TLS Connection Timeout Intermittently
 + 4447 websocket module should be split into separate modules for jetty and
   javax APIs (Jetty-10)
 + 4450 websocket-core is exposing internal classes
 + 4459 Move multipart classes to jetty-server
 + 4460 Provide a parameterless CustomRequestLog
 + 4462 WebSocketSession.close() calls onWebSocketClose() with lock held
 + 4501 Review the need for SharedBlockingCallback in jetty-10
 + 4502 respond to close frame with custom close code in jetty-10 websocket
 + 4504 X-Forwarded-Server header overwrites X-Forwarded-Host
 + 4505 Servlet 4 get/setInitParameter() and get/setAttribute() must throw NPE
   if arg is null
 + 4506 Servlet 4 metadata-complete=true should skip introspection of
 + 4507 Servlet 4  instrument request attributes for
   forward,include and async
 + 4538 review WebSocket MessageWriter and MessageReader
 + 4540 ProxyConnectionFactory should not ignore TLVs
 + 4548 duplicated classes between jetty and javax websocket implementations
 + 4562 Remove deprecated jetty-runner
 + 4567 Jetty logging supporting Throwable as last argument
 + 4571 review performance of websocket MessageSink classes in jetty-10
 + 4572 Replace Jetty Logging
 + 4577 request getPathInfo returns null
 + 4581 Remove javadoc for overridden methods
 + 4598 Add URI mapping to InetAccessHandler
 + 4620 Using console-capture with StdErrLog results in empty log file
 + 4647 Hazelcast remote.xml configuration file do not configure hazelcast
   remote addresses
 + 4656 XmlConfiguration cleanup
 + 4657 Configure_10_0.dtd should be validated in jetty-xml
 + 4683 jetty-slf4j-impl has incorrect manifest
 + 4685 jetty-util must not depend on jetty-slf4j-impl
 + 4691 Use MethodHandles.lookup() consistently in WebSocket code
 + 4697 Default and EffectiveSessionTrackingModes should throw
 + 4700 ServletContext.createXXX() methods should throw
 + 4707 Value for ServletContext.setSessionTimeout is wrong in
 + 4711 Reset trailers on recycled response
 + 4713 AsyncContext.dispatch does not remember the query string of the request
 + 4719 ContentType with no char encoding should use previous char encoding
 + 4722 Jetty-10 websocket-servlet exposes websocket-core classes
 + 4727 Scan annotations even if web.xml is 2.5
 + 4741 getHttpServletMapping for async dispatch
 + 4747 Investigate websocket tck failures for jetty-10
 + 4752 HttpSessionListener.sessionCreated should be called in order listener
   was added; sessionDestroyed in reverse order
 + 4758 Set welcomeServlets to TRUE by default
 + 4760 Response.setLocale should override previous Response.setLocale
 + 4762 Request.authenticate(Response) should return true if already
 + 4765 Review GzipHandler inside ServletContextHandler
 + 4766 SecuredRedirectHandler should extend HandlerWrapper
 + 4794 HttpInput.setReadListener should throw IllegalStateException if async
   not started
 + 4800 WebSocket DistributionTests failure on JDK14
 + 4808 Review HttpClient Request header APIs
 + 4814 Allow a ConnectionFactory (eg SslConnectionFactory) to automatically
   add a Customizer
 + 4830 Add JMX to new Jetty 10 jetty-slf4j-impl
 + 4873 Server.join not working when used with ExecutorThreadPool
 + 4894 JDBCSessionDataStore fails to create multiple JettySessions for server
   with multiple databases
 + 4903 websocket endpoints can not be inner classes
 + 467246 null
Assets 2