This code is used to illustrate client-server programming in python, as part of the CS 360 Internet Programming class at BYU.
This portion of the code implements a basic messaging service, showing how to parse a protocol.
The server is in
and the client is in
. A testing script in
that the server handles the protocol properly.
To run the server:
python [-p port]
To run the client:
python [-s server] [-p port]
To run the test script:
python [-s server] [-p port]
Caution: This code is singly-threaded, so do not use it as an example of how to build a modern, scalable server.
This portion of the code tests a threaded messaging service, ensuring that it handles multiple clients properly.
To run the test script:
python [-s server] [-p port] [-t threads] [-r repetitions]
This will use create a number of threads and each will create, list and read messages from the server simultaneously, for a given number of repetitions. You can vary the number of threads and the number of repetitions to test various loads.