This plugin is for MacOS Only. Keyboard Maestro is a program that can "automate applications or web sites, text or images, simple or complex, on command or scheduled. You can automate virtually anything." (pulled from Keyboard Maestro Website).
This plugin is not created by, nor supported by Keyboard Maestro. Any questions/concerns should be directed through the Github Issues or mine jerayan GitHub Issues or through the #keyboard-maestro channel on the Official Touch Portal Discord
- MacOS
- Touch Portal Pro Upgrade - Purchasable through iOS or Android Touch Portal App
- Touch Portal Installed on the Mac
- Keyboard Maestro
Download the .tpp file from the Latest Release
In Touch Portal select the Wrench icon and
Import plug-in
Navigate to where the .tpp file was downloaded and select it, click
Upon first import it will present you 2 dialogs
If this is your first Touch Portal plugin, please fully quit and start Touch Portal
Click on the button you want to add the action to, scroll down to Keyboard Maestro and click
Run Macro
to add the action -
Select the macro you want to execute from the list that is provided, and click
Congrats you now can execute a Keyboard Maestro macro directly from touchportal. Or several in a row, it's up to you!
Issues and Bugs can be reported through spdermn02 GitHub Issues or mine jerayan GitHub Issues or through the Official Touch Portal Discord and channel #keyboard-maestro
- bplist-parser
- !!!MAKE SURE THAT bplist-parser.js has this code in 12 line .... exports.maxObjectCount = 100 * 1000 * 1000; // 100Meg ... nothing less!!!
- touchportal-api
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details