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A source generator that can generate simple cache boilerplate around a method


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Cache source generator

CacheSourceGenerator Nuget Version

Important CachoAttribute has been renamed to GenerateMemoryCacheAttribute

A source generator that can generate simple cache boilerplate to wrap around a method

Getting started

This generator works by wrapping a method in another method with the same signature, that ensures calls are cached.

In a partial class decorate the method with the GenerateMemoryCache attribute

public partial class SampleEntity
    private readonly IMemoryCache _memoryCache;

    public SampleEntity(IMemoryCache memoryCache)
        _memoryCache = memoryCache;

    [GenerateMemoryCache(MethodName = "GetId", CacheEnricherProcessor = nameof(ProcessCacheEntry))]
    private string? DoGetSomeValue(int id)
        return "Someresult";

    public void ProcessCacheEntry(ICacheEntry entry)
        entry.SlidingExpiration = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2);

And it will generate

public partial class SampleEntity
    public string? GetId(int id)
        var _key_ = new
            _MethodName = "DoGetSomeValue",
            _ClassName = "SampleEntity",
        IMemoryCache _cache_ = _memoryCache;
        return _cache_.GetOrCreate(_key_, _entry_ =>
            return DoGetSomeValue(id);
    public void GetId_Evict(int id)
        var _key_ = new
            _MethodName = "DoGetSomeValue",
            _ClassName = "SampleEntity",
        IMemoryCache _cache_ = _memoryCache;

Note that that defining the CacheEnricherProcessor is optional and can be left out

Cache access

The IMemoryCache can be retrieved in two ways. Autogenerated or by providing it in the class

Autogenerated cache access code

This requires that you install the nuget package Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory.

Decorate a method that returns a value on a partial class with the GenerateMemoryCache Attribute

public partial class SomeClass

  [CacheSourceGenerator.Cache(MethodName = "SomeMethod")]
  private string DoSomeMethod(string id, int age)
      return $"{id}{age}";

This will generate the code below.

public partial class SomeClass
    private static class CacheInit
        static CacheInit()
            _memoryCache = new Lazy<IMemoryCache>(() => new MemoryCache(new MemoryCacheOptions()));

        private static Lazy<IMemoryCache> _memoryCache;
        public static IMemoryCache MemoryCache => _memoryCache.Value;

    public string SomeMethod(string id, int age)
        var key = new
            _MethodName = "DoSomeMethod",
            _ClassName = "SomeClass",
        IMemoryCache cache = CacheInit.MemoryCache;
        return cache.GetOrCreate(key, entry =>
            return DoSomeMethod(id, age);

Providing the cache from the class

An alternative is to provide a IMemoryCache instance from the class. This can be done through a

  • Field
  • Property
  • Method (parameter less)
public static partial class SomeOtherClass
    private static IMemoryCache GetCache() => new MemoryCache(new MemoryCacheOptions());

    [CacheSourceGenerator.GenerateMemoryCache(MethodName = "SomeMethod")]
    public static Task<string> ExecuteCall()
        return Task.FromResult("Hello");

This will generate the code below.

public static partial class SomeOtherClass
    public async static Task<string> SomeMethod()
        var key = new
            _MethodName = "ExecuteCall",
            _ClassName = "SomeOtherClass",
        IMemoryCache cache = GetCache();
        var result = await cache.GetOrCreateAsync(key, async entry =>
            return await ExecuteCall();
        return result ?? throw new InvalidOperationException("Expected non empty result");

Method generation

if the method is async or returning a Task<T> the generated method will take that into consideration.

If the return type is not nullable, the generated method will throw an exception if the result of the method call is null.

GenerateMemoryCache Atrribute


The GenerateMemoryCache needs to as a minimum have MethodName set as this is the desired method name of the generated method.


If you want to control the ICacheEntry object, you can use this property to point to a method that takes a ICacheEntry as input and returns void or if async as Task. This method will be called like below and can be used set for instance expiration

var _result_ = _cache_.GetOrCreate(_key_, _entry_ =>
    return DoGetName(id);


Out of the box a key will be auto generated that will consist of

  • MethodName
  • ClassName
  • The parameters of the method

If you want to create a custom key, you can use the KeyGenerator property to point to a method that will generate the key. The method must match the parameters of the decorated method by type (it's okay if there is a mismatch between names)

The return type can be anything but void

So for

[GenerateMemoryCache(KeyGenerator=nameof(GenerateKey), MethodName="SomeName")]
public string Somemethod(string id, int number, bool boolValue)

a valid KeyGenerator method could be

public (string id, int number, bool boolean) 


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