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Releases: jeppevammenkristensen/auto-spectre


02 Jul 19:53
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  • Added support for the EnableSearch
  • Removed AskAttribute
  • Made SpectreDump method obsolete as better alternatives exist.
  • Better handling of nested types
  • Better handling of special characters in strings


25 Jun 20:55
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What's Changed

Fixed an issue where the string used in title. For instance [TextPrompt("\"name\"")] would not be correctly be rendered

v 0.8.0

30 Nov 23:40
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  • An extension method is now exposed so it's possible to call the Prompt method on an instance without having to
    instantiate the factory class.
  • An extension method will be generated per decorated class to allow to Dump the values to the console.
  • The dump method can be deactiveated
  • Added support for defining DefaultValueStyle and ChoiceStyle on bool values decorated with the [TextPrompt] attribute. (this will generate a ConfirmationPrompt in Spectre)


03 Oct 20:10
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  • TextPrompt has three new properties for defining choices.
  • DefaultValueSource added on TextPrompt


  • Based on the new properties in TextPrompt, the source generation has been updated to support these new properties.
  • New solution for defining DefaultValueSource. Old way discarded.
  • Fixed double diagnostics if source was missing
  • Added support for defining Sources that are Static. And allow them to be fields
    1. Source on SelectPrompt now supports fields and static
    2. Converter on SelectPrompt now supports static method
    3. Validator on TextPrompt now supports static method.
    4. TypeInitializer on TextPrompt now supports static method.
    5. Choices on TextPrompt now supports static and has added fields


12 Sep 19:07
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  • Added an extended Text prompt to allow for passing in a delegate to convert from string to the given type of the prompt
  • Added extension method to allow setting the culture "fluently" used by source generation
  • Added possibility to add custom extra text to TextPrompt title.


  • Fix to allow inheritance for form classes (classes decorated with AutoSpectreForm)
  • Allow setting culture to use for source generation. The culture is initalized as a culture variable. Per default it will be the CurrentUICulture
  • Added ability to point to a method to initialize anohter referenced form. This is useful if that class has a constructor that is not empty.

Added Condition and NegateCondition

06 Aug 23:02
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  • Added Condition and NegateCondition to conditionally prompt
  • Added documentation for Conditions and their convention
  • Updated the general example class
  • Changed the description of the AutoSpectre.SourceGeneration package

Fixed issue with validation for classes decorated with AutoSpectreForm

29 Jul 20:31
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  • Latest validation feature didn't support validation when using a type in a form that was also decorated with AutoSpectreForm
  • Fixed icon and credits for nuget packages


25 Jul 21:34
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Added handling of Validation. With or without conventions
Fixed missing readme in nuget packages


24 Jul 20:36
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  • Added convention so SelectionSource can be ommitted if a source with name {NameOfProperty}Source is available
  • Added convention so Converter can be omitted if a converter with name {NameOfProperty}Converter is available
  • Updated summary on AutoSpectre library to hopefully make it little less unintuitive to use