Python Client that covers most of the Marketo REST API. It handles authentication, error handling and rate limiting
to the standard limit of 100 calls in 20 seconds (defined in http_lib module). This is a fork of the project started by
Arunim Samat at, which had stalled.
Full Marketo REST API documentation -
pip install marketorestpython
See tests in
and see .travis.yml
for automated
testing setup. Travis does not test pull requests.
To test locally, create a local file conf.json
and enter your Marketo credentials and
type pytest
on the command line:
"munchkin_id": "",
"client_id": "",
"client_secret": ""
This runs
. It will automatically create and delete Person records and Assets
in Marketo (self-contained). It is recommended to only run it on a sandbox instance.
from marketorestpython.client import MarketoClient
munchkin_id = "" # fill in Munchkin ID, typical format 000-AAA-000
client_id = "" # enter Client ID from Admin > LaunchPoint > View Details
client_secret= "" # enter Client ID and Secret from Admin > LaunchPoint > View Details
requests_timeout=(3.0, 10.0)
mc = MarketoClient(munchkin_id, client_id, client_secret, api_limit, max_retry_time, requests_timeout=requests_timeout)
# 'api_limit' and 'max_retry_time' are optional;
# 'api_limit' limits the number of Marketo API calls made by this instance of MarketoClient
# 'max_retry_time' defaults to 300 and sets the time in seconds to retry failed API calls that
# are retryable; if it still fails after the configured time period, it will throw a
# MarketoException
# 'requests_timeout' can be an int, float, or tuple of ints or floats to pass as a timeout
# argument to calls made by the requests library. Defaults to None, i.e., no timeout.
# See requests docs for more info:
Then use mc.execute(method='') to call the various methods (see documentation below)
For very specific use cases where you only have the access_token, you can also pass that in directly; you are then responsible for requesting the initial access_token and renewing it when it expires.
from marketorestpython.client import MarketoClient
munchkin_id = "" # fill in Munchkin ID, typical format 000-AAA-000
access_token = "" # enter access_token
mc = MarketoClient(munchkin_id, access_token=access_token)
API Ref:
lead = mc.execute(method='get_lead_by_id', id=3482141, fields=['firstName', 'middleName', 'lastName', 'department'])
# fields is optional
API Ref:
lead = mc.execute(method='get_multiple_leads_by_filter_type', filterType='email', filterValues=['[email protected]','[email protected]'],
fields=['firstName', 'middleName', 'lastName'], batchSize=None)
# fields and batchSize are optional
# max 100 filterValues
# max 1000 results, otherwise you'll get error 1003 ('Too many results match the filter')
API Ref:
mc.execute(method='get_multiple_leads_by_list_id', listId='676',
fields=['email','firstName','lastName','company','postalCode'], batchSize=None)
# fields and batchSize are optional
# static lists only (does not work with smart lists)
API Ref:
for leads in mc.execute(method='get_multiple_leads_by_list_id_yield', listId='676',
fields=['email','firstName','lastName'], batchSize=None, return_full_result=False):
# OR:
leads = mc.execute(method='get_multiple_leads_by_list_id_yield', listId='676',
fields=['email','firstName','lastName'], batchSize=None, return_full_result=False)
lead_chunk = next(leads) # keep calling next until no more Leads
# this is a generator, so it will return chunks of Leads rather that all Leads on the
# List at once; therefore, it's useful for Lists with large numbers of Leads
# fields and batchSize are optional; batchSize defaults to 300, which is the max
# set return_full_result to True to get the nextPageToken and requestId returned; actual
# result will be in the 'result' key
# static lists only (does not work with smart lists)
API Ref:
mc.execute(method='get_multiple_leads_by_program_id', programId='1014',
fields=['email','firstName','lastName','company','postalCode'], batchSize=None)
# fields and batchSize are optional
API Ref:
for leads in mc.execute(method='get_multiple_leads_by_program_id_yield', programId='1014',
fields=['email','firstName','lastName','company','postalCode'], batchSize=None):
# this is a generator, so it will return chunks of Leads rather that all Program Members
# at once; therefore, it's useful for Programs with large numbers of Members
# fields and batchSize are optional
API Ref:
status = mc.execute(method = 'change_lead_program_status', id=1097, leadIds=[51,10,11,24], status="Registered")
API Ref:
leads = [{"email":"[email protected]","firstName":"Joe"},{"email":"[email protected]","firstName":"Jill"}]
lead = mc.execute(method='create_update_leads', leads=leads, action='createOnly', lookupField='email',
asyncProcessing='false', partitionName='Default')
# action, lookupField and asyncProcessing are optional (defaults are 'email' and 'false')
# action can be "createOrUpdate" (default if omitted), "createOnly", "updateOnly" or "createDuplicate"
# partitionName is required if Marketo instance has more than 1 Lead Partition
# max batch size is 300
API Ref:
lead = mc.execute(method='associate_lead', id=2234, cookie='')
leads = [
{"email":"[email protected]","firstName":"Joe", "cookies":"id:662-XAB-092&"},
{"email":"[email protected]","firstName":"Jillian"}
lead = mc.execute(method='push_lead', leads=leads, lookupField='email', programName='Big Launch Webinar',
programStatus='Registered', source='example source', reason='example reason')
# leads, lookupField and programName are required
# all others are optional
# to associate Cookie ID, put it in a field called 'cookies' (see example above)
# to associate mkt_tok, put it in a field called 'mktToken' (see
API docs:
input = {
"email":"[email protected]",
"pMCFField":"PMCF value"
"userAgentString":"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/84.0.4147.89 Safari/537.36"
response = mc.execute(method='submit_form', formId=1029, input=input)
# please note that `input` doesn't need to contain a list, the method does that.
API Ref:
lead = mc.execute(method='merge_lead', id=3482183, leadIds=[3482182], mergeInCRM=False)
# mergeInCRM is optional (default is False)
# returns True if successful
results = mc.execute(method='get_smart_campaigns_by_lead_id', lead_id=39881)
API Ref:
lead = mc.execute(method='get_lead_partitions')
API Ref:
lead = mc.execute(method='add_leads_to_list', listId=1, id=[1,2,3])
# max batch size is 300
API Ref:
lead = mc.execute(method='remove_leads_from_list', listId=1, id=[1,2,3])
# max batch size is 300
API Ref:
lead = mc.execute(method='member_of_list', listId=728, id=[3482093,3482095,3482096])
API Ref:
lead = mc.execute(method='import_lead', file='../folder/test.csv', format='csv', lookupField='email', listId=None, partitionName='Default')
# lookupField and listId are optional. Email is the default for lookupField.
# partitionName is required when the Marketo instance has more than 1 Lead Partition
API Ref:
lead = mc.execute(method='get_import_lead_status', id=900)
# specify the batchId that is returned in 'Import Lead'
API Ref:
batch_id = 899
failed_leads = mc.execute(method='get_import_failure_file', id=batch_id)
file_name = "import-failure-for-batch-" + str(batch_id) + ".csv"
if failed_leads is not '':
f = open(file_name, encoding='utf-8', mode='w')
# specify the batchId that is returned in 'Import Lead'
API Ref:
batch_id = 899
warning_leads = mc.execute(method='get_import_warning_file', id=batch_id)
file_name = "import-warning-for-batch-" + str(batch_id) + ".csv"
if warning_leads is not '':
f = open(file_name, encoding='utf-8', mode='w')
# specify the batchId that is returned in 'Import Lead'
API Ref:
lead_fields = mc.execute(method='describe')
lead_fields = mc.execute(method='describe2')
program_member_fields = mc.execute(method='describe_program_member')
API Ref:
activity_types = mc.execute(method = 'get_activity_types')
API Ref:
mc.execute(method='get_paging_token', sinceDatetime='2014-10-06')
# sinceDatetime format: 2015-10-06T13:22:17-08:00 or 2015-10-06T13:22-0700 or 2015-10-06
# This call is optional, you can directly pass in the datetime into 'Get Lead Activity' and 'Get Lead Changes'
# Returns the paging token
API Ref:
mc.execute(method='get_lead_activities', activityTypeIds=['23','22'], nextPageToken=None,
sinceDatetime='2015-10-06', untilDatetime='2016-04-30',
batchSize=None, listId=None, leadIds=[1,2])
# sinceDatetime format: 2015-10-06T13:22:17-08:00 or 2015-10-06T13:22-0700 or 2015-10-06
# either nextPageToken or sinceDatetime need to be specified
# untilDatetime, batchSize, listId and leadIds are optional; batchsize defaults to 300 (max)
# unless you specify untilDatetime, the function loops until it has all activities until right now,
# then returns them (which could potentially be a lot of data)
API Ref:
for activities in mc.execute(method='get_lead_activities_yield', activityTypeIds=['23','22'], nextPageToken=None,
sinceDatetime='2015-10-06', untilDatetime='2016-04-30',
batchSize=None, listId=None, leadIds=[1,2], return_full_result=False,
# sinceDatetime format: 2015-10-06T13:22:17-08:00 or 2015-10-06T13:22-0700 or 2015-10-06
# either nextPageToken or sinceDatetime need to be specified
# untilDatetime, batchSize, listId and leadIds are optional; batchsize defaults to 300 (max)
# set return_full_result to get the nextPageToken and requestId returned; actual
# result will be in the 'result' key
# sometimes Marketo responds with 0 results but indicates there may be more
# results in the next call; max_empty_more_results defines how many times "0 results"
# is acceptable until it gives up
# this is a generator, so it will return chunks of Leads rather that all Activities
# at once; therefore, it's useful for retrieving large numbers of Activities
API Ref:
lead = mc.execute(method='get_lead_changes', fields=['firstName','lastName'], nextPageToken=None,
sinceDatetime='2015-09-01', untilDatetime='2017-01-01', batchSize=None, listId=None)
# sinceDatetime format: 2015-10-06T13:22:17-08:00 or 2015-10-06T13:22-0700 or 2015-10-06
# either nextPageToken or sinceDatetime need to be specified
# untilDatetime, batchSize and listId are optional; batchsize defaults to 300 (max)
# this will potentially return a lot of records: the function loops until it has all activities, then returns them
API Ref:
for leads in mc.execute(method='get_lead_changes_yield', fields=['firstName','lastName'], nextPageToken=None,
sinceDatetime='2015-09-01', untilDatetime='2017-01-01', batchSize=None, listId=None,
leadIds=[1,2], return_full_result=False, max_empty_more_results=None):
# sinceDatetime format: 2015-10-06T13:22:17-08:00 or 2015-10-06T13:22-0700 or 2015-10-06
# either nextPageToken or sinceDatetime need to be specified
# untilDatetime, batchSize, listId and leadIds are optional; batchsize defaults to 300 (max)
# set return_full_result to get the nextPageToken and requestId returned; actual
# result will be in the 'result' key
# sometimes Marketo responds with 0 results but indicates there may be more
# results in the next call; max_empty_more_results defines how many times "0 results"
# is acceptable until it gives up
API Ref:
custom_activities = [
"leadId": 46,
"activityDate": "2016-03-05T09:51:00-08:00",
"activityTypeId": 100004,
"name": "Attribute 1",
"value": "First Attribute"
"name": "Attribute 2",
"value": "Second Attribute"
result = mc.execute(method = 'add_custom_activities', input=custom_activities)
# Currently, Custom Activities need to be set up by Marketo Technical Support or Consulting Services
# max batch size is 300
API Ref:
lead = mc.execute(method='get_daily_usage')
API Ref:
lead = mc.execute(method='get_last_7_days_usage')
API Ref:
lead = mc.execute(method='get_daily_errors')
API Ref:
lead = mc.execute(method='get_last_7_days_errors')
API Ref:
lead = mc.execute(method='delete_lead', id=[1,2])
# max batch size is 300
API Ref:
lead = mc.execute(method='get_deleted_leads', nextPageToken=None,, batchSize=None)
# sinceDatetime format: 2015-10-06T13:22:17-08:00 or 2015-10-06T13:22-0700 or 2015-10-06
# either nextPageToken or sinceDatetime need to be specified
# batchSize is optional
# will return first and last name, Marketo ID and time of deletion, but no additional Lead attributes
API Ref:
new_partitions = [{'id': 3482156, 'partitionName': 'Default'}, {'id': 3482141, 'partitionName': 'Europe'}]
lead = mc.execute(method='update_leads_partition', input=new_partitions)
API Ref:
folder = mc.execute(method='create_folder', name='folder2', parentId=115, parentType="Folder", description='optional')
# parentType is "Folder" or "Program"
# description is optional
API Ref:
folder = mc.execute(method='get_folder_by_id', id=3, type='Folder')
# type is 'Folder' or 'Program'; this is required because a Folder and a Program can have the same Id
# will throw KeyError when no folder found
API Ref:
folder = mc.execute(method='get_folder_by_name', name='test', type='Folder', root=115, workSpace='Europe')
# type, root and workSpace are optional
# will throw KeyError when no folder found
API Ref:
assets = mc.execute(method='get_folder_contents', id=1205, type='Program', maxReturn=None)
# type is Folder or Program
# maxReturn is optional; default for maxReturn is 20 and max is 200
# function will loop and return all results
API Ref:
folder = mc.execute(method='update_folder', id=141, name="New Name", description=None, isArchive=None)
# name, description and isArchive are optional
# use the id as returned by 'Browse Folders' or 'Get Folder by Name
# can only be used to update Folders, not Programs
API Ref:
folder = mc.execute(method='delete_folder', id=789)
# can only be used to delete Folders, not Programs
API Ref:
lead = mc.execute(method='browse_folders', root=3, maxDepth=5, maxReturn=200, workSpace='Default')
# maxDepth, maxReturn and workSpace are optional; default for maxReturn is 20 and max is 200
# use the id as returned by 'Browse Folders' or 'Get Folder by Name
# function will loop and return all results
# will throw KeyError when no folder found
API Ref:
for folders in mc.execute(method='browse_folders_yield', root=3, maxDepth=5, maxReturn=200, workSpace='Default',
offset=0, return_full_result=False):
API Ref:
token = mc.execute(method='create_token', id="28", folderType="Folder", name="test", value="testing 2", type="text")
# this can also be used to update the value of a token
API Ref:
tokens = mc.execute(method='get_tokens', id="28", folderType="Folder")
API Ref:
tokens = mc.execute(method='delete_tokens', id="28", folderType="Folder", name="test", type="text")
API Ref:
lead = mc.execute(method='get_list_by_id', id=724)
lead = mc.execute(method='get_list_by_name', name='My Test List')
lead = mc.execute(method='get_multiple_lists', id=[724,725], name=None, programName=None, workspaceName=None, batchSize=300)
# NOTE: this call has different options compared to 'browse_lists' below
# all parameters are optional; no parameters returns all lists
API Ref:
lead = mc.execute(method='browse_lists', folderId=8, folderType='Folder', offset=None,
maxReturn=None, earliestUpdatedAt=None, latestUpdatedAt=None)
# NOTE: this call has different options compared to 'get_multiple_lists' above
# all parameters are optional; no parameters returns all lists
API Ref:
for lists in mc.execute(method='browse_lists_yield', folderId=8, folderType='Folder', offset=0,
maxReturn=20, earliestUpdatedAt=None, latestUpdatedAt=None, return_full_result=False):
# all parameters are optional; no parameters returns all lists
API Ref:
lead = mc.execute(method='create_list', folderId=8, folderType='Folder', name='Test List', description='Optional')
# 'folderType' is either 'Folder' or 'Program'
# description is optional
API Ref:
lead = mc.execute(method='update_list', id=123, name='new name', description='new description')
# 'id' and either 'name' or 'description' need to be specified (or all of them)
API Ref:
lead = mc.execute(method='delete_list', id=123)
smart_list = mc.execute(method='get_smart_list_by_id', id=123, return_full_result=False)
# set return_full_result to get the nextPageToken and requestId returned; actual
# result will be in the 'result' key
smart_list = mc.execute(method='get_smart_list_by_name', name='Abc', return_full_result=False)
# set return_full_result to get the nextPageToken and requestId returned; actual
# result will be in the 'result' key
for smart_lists in mc.execute(method='get_smart_lists', folderId=123, folderType='Folder', offset=None,
maxReturn=None, earliestUpdatedAt=None, latestUpdatedAt=None, return_full_result=False):
# all parameters are optional; no parameters returns all lists
# maxReturn defaults to 200
# offset defaults to 0; it is automatically incremented, so it's only for when you want to start at a specific offset
# set return_full_result to get the nextPageToken and requestId returned; actual
# result will be in the 'result' key
smart_list = mc.execute(method='delete_smart_list', id=123)
# set return_full_result to get the nextPageToken and requestId returned; actual
# result will be in the 'result' key
smart_list = mc.execute(method='clone_smart_list', id=123, name='cloned smart list', folderId=123, folderType='Folder',
return_full_result=False, description=None)
# set return_full_result to get the nextPageToken and requestId returned; actual
# result will be in the 'result' key
# description is optional
campaign = mc.execute(method='get_smart_campaign_by_id', id=1170)
campaign = mc.execute(method='get_smart_campaign_by_name', name='my smart campaign name')
Use "Get Smart Campaign by Id" instead.
API Ref:
campaign = mc.execute(method='get_campaign_by_id', id=1170)
for campaigns in mc.execute(method='get_smart_campaigns', earliestUpdatedAt=None, latestUpdatedAt=None,
folderId=None, folderType=None,
maxReturn=200, offset=0,
# all parameters are optional; folderId and folderType need to be specified together;
# folderType can be "Folder" or "Program"
# set return_full_result to True to get the full API response including requestId (not just the 'result' key)
Use "Get Smart Campaigns" instead.
API Ref:
lead = mc.execute(method='get_multiple_campaigns', id=[1170,1262], name=None, programName=None, workspaceName=None, batchSize=None)
# all parameters are optional
API Ref:
# date format: 2015-11-08T15:43:12-08:00
from datetime import datetime, timezone, timedelta
now =
now_no_ms = now.replace(microsecond=0)
now_plus_7 = now_no_ms + timedelta(minutes = 7)
time_as_txt = now_plus_7.astimezone().isoformat()
lead = mc.execute(method='schedule_campaign', id=1878, runAt=time_as_txt, tokens={'my.Campaign Name': 'new token value'}, cloneToProgramName=None)
# runAt is optional; default is 5 minutes from now; if specified, it needs to be at least 5 minutes from now
# tokens and cloneToProgramName are optional
# returns True
API Ref:
lead = mc.execute(method='request_campaign', id=1880, leads=[46,38], tokens={'my.increment': '+2'})
# tokens is optional
# returns True
campaign = mc.execute(method='activate_smart_campaign', id=1880)
campaign = mc.execute(method='deactivate_smart_campaign', id=1880)
campaign = mc.execute(method='create_smart_campaign', name='New Smart Campaign', folderId=898, folderType='Folder',
campaign = mc.execute(method='update_smart_campaign', id=1880, name='New Name', description=None)
campaign = mc.execute(method='clone_smart_campaign', id=1880, name='New Name', folderId=898, folderType='Folder',
isExecutable=False, description=None)
# isExecutable and description are optional
campaign = mc.execute(method='delete_smart_campaign', id=1880)
smart_list = mc.execute(method='get_smart_list_by_smart_campaign_id', id=123, includeRules=True,
# set includeRules to False if you do not want to get all triggers and filters of the smart list in the response
API Ref:
template = mc.execute(method='create_email_template', folderId=14, folderType="Folder", name="API Email Template",
content="email_template.html", description="Hello Description")
# description is optional
# content should contain path to HTML file
API Ref:
template = mc.execute(method='get_email_template_by_id', id=41, status='approved')
# status is optional; values are 'draft' or 'approved'; a single email can have both an approved and a draft version
API Ref:
template = mc.execute(method='get_email_template_by_name', name='API Email Template', status='approved')
# status is optional: values are 'draft' or 'approved'; a single email can have both an approved and a draft version
API Ref:
template = mc.execute(method='update_email_template', id=41, name='API Email Template', description=None)
# name and description are optional, but - of course - you want to pass in at least 1 of them
# this is only to update name and description, use 'Update Email Template Content' to update the HTML
API Ref:
template = mc.execute(method='delete_email_template', id=41)
API Ref:
template = mc.execute(method='get_email_templates', status='draft', maxReturn=None)
# status and maxReturn are optional; status is 'draft' or 'approved'; default for maxReturn is 20 and max is 200
# if you specify status, it will return an approved email with a draft for both status='draft' AND status='approved'
template = mc.execute(method='get_email_template_used_by', id=41, maxReturn=None)
# maxReturn is optional; default for maxReturn is 20 and max is 200
API Ref:
template = mc.execute(method='get_email_template_content', id=39, status='approved')
with open('email-template-content.html', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
# status is optional: values are 'draft' or 'approved'
API Ref:
template = mc.execute(method='update_email_template_content', id=42, content='email-template-content.html')
# 'content' points to a file
API Ref:
template = mc.execute(method='approve_email_template', id=42)
API Ref:
template = mc.execute(method='unapprove_email_template', id=42)
API Ref:
template = mc.execute(method='discard_email_template_draft', id=42)
API Ref:
template = mc.execute(method='clone_email_template', id=42, name='cloned template', folderId=14, folderType='Folder')
# folderId 14 is the Email Templates folder in the Default workspace
API Ref:
email = mc.execute(method='create_email', folderId=13, folderType="Folder", name="API Email", template=30,
description='Hello Description', subject='Subject for API Email', fromName='Info',
fromEmail='[email protected]', replyEmail=None, operational=None)
# description, subject, fromName, fromEmail, replyEmail and operational are optional
# without subject, fromName and fromEmail you can't approve the email
# this is where you create the email shell, in 'Update Email Content in Editable Section' you specify the email body
API Ref:
email = mc.execute(method='get_email_by_id', id=263, status='draft')
# status is optional: values are 'draft' or 'approved'
API Ref:
email = mc.execute(method='get_email_by_name', name='API Email', status='draft', folderId=None, folderType=None)
# status, folderId and folderType are optional; folderId and folderType need to be specified together
API Ref:
email = mc.execute(method='delete_email', id=263)
API Ref:
email = mc.execute(method='update_email', id=264, name="API Email 2", description='Hello New Description', preHeader=None, operational=None, published=None, textOnly=None, webView=None)
# name and description are optional, but - of course - you want to pass in at least 1 of them
API Ref:
email = mc.execute(method='get_emails', status='approved', folderId=13, folderType='Folder', maxReturn=None)
# status, folderId, folderType and maxReturn are optional; folderId and folderType need to be specified together
# default for maxReturn is 20 and max is 200
# status can be 'draft' or 'approved'
API Ref:
email = mc.execute(method='get_email_content', id=40, status=None)
# status is optional and can be 'draft' or 'approved'
API Ref:
email = mc.execute(method='update_email_content', id=13, type='Text', subject='New Subject Line',
fromEmail='[email protected]', fromName='Jep', replyTo='[email protected]')
# subject, fromEmail, fromName and replyTo are optional
# type should be 'Text' or 'DynamicContent'; if you need a combination of text and dynamic, make 2 calls
API Ref:
html_content = '''<span style="color:#d9930e; font-size:27px;">Dear {{lead.First Name:default=friend}}, Donec
Scelerisque Leosera</span><br /><br /><div style="font-size:18px;">Aliquam nec erat at purus
cursus interdum<br/>vestibulum ligula augue</div><br />'''
email = mc.execute(method='update_email_content_in_editable_section', id=275, htmlId='lt-column', type='Text',
value=html_content, textValue=None)
# textValue is optional
# type can be 'Text', 'DynamicContent' or 'Snippet'
API Ref:
email = mc.execute(method='get_email_dynamic_content', id=279, dynamicContentId='RVMtU2VjdGlvbiAx', status=None)
# status is optional and can be 'draft' or 'approved'
API Ref:
email = mc.execute(method='update_email_dynamic_content', id=280, dynamicContentId='RVMtY29sdW1uX3N1YnRpdGxl',
segment='Dutch', value='<p>Dutch text</p>', type='HTML')
API Ref:
email = mc.execute(method='approve_email', id=117)
API Ref:
email = mc.execute(method='unapprove_email', id=117)
API Ref:
email = mc.execute(method='discard_email_draft', id=117)
API Ref:
email = mc.execute(method='clone_email', id=117, name='clone of MHE', folderId=13, folderType='Folder',
description='description', operational=None)
# description and operational are optional; operational defaults to false
API Ref:
email = mc.execute(method='send_sample_email', id=117, emailAddress='[email protected]', textOnly=None, leadId=46)
# textOnly and leadId are optional; textOnly will send the text version of the email in additional to the html version
email = mc.execute(method='get_email_full_content', id=117, status=None, leadId=None, type=None)
# status, leadId, and type are optional; status defaults to approved if asset is approved, draft if not.
# leadId defines the lead to impersonate
# default for type is HTML
email = mc.execute(method='update_email_full_content', id=117, content='email_content.html')
# NOTE: Replaces the HTML of an Email that has had its relationship broken from its template; currently appears there is no way to set text only content
# content should be an HTML document to update with (cannot include JavaScript or script tags)
variables = mc.execute(method='get_email_variables', id=1124)
variable = mc.execute(method='update_email_variable', id=1124, name='preheaderBackgroundColor', value='#81898c',
API Ref:
lp = mc.execute(method='get_landing_pages', maxReturn=None, status=None, folderId=None, folderType=None)
# status, folderId, folderType and maxReturn are optional; folderId and folderType need to be specified together
# default for maxReturn is 20 and max is 200
# status can be 'draft' or 'approved'
API Ref:
lp = mc.execute(method='create_landing_page', name='API LP', folderId=894,
folderType='Folder', template=42, description=None, title=None,
keywords=None, robots=None, customHeadHTML=None, facebookOgTags=None,
prefillForm=None, mobileEnabled=None)
# description, title, keywords, robots, customHeadHTML, facebookOgTags,
# prefillForm and mobileEnabled are optional
# prefillForm and mobileEnabled default to false
lp = mc.execute(method='get_landing_page_by_id', id=360, status=None)
# status is optional and can be 'draft' or 'approved'
lp = mc.execute(method='get_landing_page_by_name', name='Landing page Demo', status=None)
# status is optional and can be 'draft' or 'approved'
API Ref:
lp = mc.execute(method='delete_landing_page', id=411)
lp = mc.execute(method='update_landing_page', id=410, description=None, title=None,
keywords=None, robots=None, customHeadHTML=None, facebookOgTags=None,
prefillForm=None, mobileEnabled=None, styleOverRide=None, urlPageName=None)
# description, title, keywords, robots, customHeadHTML, facebookOgTags,
# prefillForm, mobileEnabled, styleOverRide and urlPageName are optional
# urlPageName is used to change the URL of the page
lp = mc.execute(method='get_landing_page_content', id=410, status='draft')
# status is optional and can be 'draft' or 'approved'
lp = mc.execute(method='create_landing_page_content_section', id=410, type='RichText', value='<p>Subtitle</p>',
backgroundColor=None, borderColor=None, borderStyle=None, borderWidth=None, height=None,
layer=None, left=100, opacity=1.0, top=50, width=300, hideDesktop=None, hideMobile=None,
# contentId is required for Guided Landing pages
# backgroundColor, borderColor, borderStyle, borderWidth, height, layer, left, opacity, top, width,
# hideDesktop and hideMobile are optional
# height defaults to auto; layer defaults to 15; specify opacity as fractional and use 1.0 for 100%
# backgroundColor, borderColor, borderStyle and borderWidth don't seem to do anything at this time
lp = mc.execute(method='update_landing_page_content_section', id=410, contentId=2200, type='RichText',
value='<p>Updated Title</p>', backgroundColor=None, borderColor=None, borderStyle=None,
borderWidth=None, height=None, zIndex=15, left=50, opacity=1.0, top=50, width=300,
hideDesktop=None, hideMobile=None, imageOpenNewWindow=None, linkUrl=None)
# make section dynamic:
lp = mc.execute(method='update_landing_page_content_section', id=410, contentId=2218,
type='DynamicContent', value=1003)
# backgroundColor, borderColor, borderStyle, borderWidth, height, layer, left, opacity, top, width,
# hideDesktop and hideMobile are optional
# height defaults to auto; layer defaults to 15; specify opacity as fractional and use 1.0 for 100%
# contentId changes when the page is approved
# in case of type=DynamicContent, the value is the id of the Segmentation
# backgroundColor, borderColor, borderStyle and borderWidth don't seem to do anything
lp = mc.execute(method='delete_landing_page_content_section', id=410, contentId=2215)
# use 'Get Landing page Content' to find the contentId (which changes when page is approved)
lp = mc.execute(method='get_landing_page_dynamic_content', id=410, ...)
lp = mc.execute(method='update_landing_page_dynamic_content', id=410, ...)
lp = mc.execute(method='approve_landing_page', id=410)
lp = mc.execute(method='unapprove_landing_page', id=410)
lp = mc.execute(method='discard_landing_page_draft', id=410)
API Ref:
lp = mc.execute(method='clone_landing_page', id=410, name='cloned landing page', folderId=894,
folderType='Folder', description=None, template=42)
# description is optional
# template should be optional but is currently required
API Ref:
forms = mc.execute(method='get_forms', status=None, folderId=None, folderType=None, maxReturn=None)
# status, folderId, folderType and maxReturn are optional
API Ref:
form = mc.execute(method='get_form_by_id', id=50, status=None)
# status is optional and can be 'draft' or 'approved'
API Ref:
form = mc.execute(method='get_form_by_name', name='Form Demo', status=None)
# status is optional and can be 'draft' or 'approved'
API Ref:
fields = mc.execute(method='get_form_fields', id=50, status=None)
# status is optional and can be 'draft' or 'approved'
API Ref:
field = mc.execute(method='create_form_field', id=104, fieldId='AnnualRevenue', label='Rev', labelWidth=200,
fieldWidth=200, instructions='fill out this field',
required=True, formPrefill=True, initiallyChecked=None, values=None, labelToRight=None,
hintText='hint', defaultValue=100, minValue=100, maxValue=1000000, multiSelect=None,
maxLength=None, maskInput=None, visibleLines=None)
# only id and fieldId are required, all others are optional
API Ref:
form = mc.execute(method='create_form', name='API Form 4', folderId=140, folderType='Folder',
description='optional description', language='Dutch', locale='nl_NL', progressiveProfiling=True,
labelPosition='above', fontFamily='Droid Sans Mono', fontSize='12px', knownVisitor=None)
# description, language, locale, progressiveProfiling, labelPosition, fontFamily, fontSize, knownVisitor, theme are optional
# locale examples: en_US, en_UK, fr_FR, de_DE, zh_CN, ja_JP, hi_IN, nl_NL, nl_BE
# fontFamily/fontSize and theme are mutually exclusive
# fontFamily doesn't seem to work
# labelPosition is left or above (lower case)
# TODO: knownVisitor needs further explanation
# not implemented yet
# not implemented yet
API Ref:
form = mc.execute('update_form', id=50, name=None, description=None, language=None, locale=None, progressiveProfiling=None,
labelPosition=None, fontFamily=None, fontSize=None, knownVisitor=None, formTheme=None,
# id is required, all others are optional
API Ref:
form = mc.execute(method='discard_form_draft', id)
API Ref:
form = mc.execute(method='approve_form', id)
API Ref:
form = mc.execute(method='unapprove_form', id)
API Ref:
form = mc.execute(method='clone_form', id=50, name='new form name', folderId=12, folderType='Folder', description=None)
API Ref:
form = mc.execute(method='delete_form', id=50)
API Ref:
field = mc.execute(method='update_form_field', id=104, fieldId='AnnualRevenue', label='Revenue', labelWidth=150,
fieldWidth=150, instructions='please fill out this field',
required=False, formPrefill=True, initiallyChecked=None, values=None, labelToRight=None,
hintText='hint', defaultValue=100, minValue=100, maxValue=1000000, multiSelect=None,
maxLength=None, maskInput=None, visibleLines=None)
# only id and fieldId are required, all others are optional
API Ref:
field = mc.execute(method='delete_form_field', id=104, fieldId='AnnualRevenue')
not yet implemented
not yet implemented
API Ref:
not yet implemented
not yet implemented
not yet implemented
not yet implemented
API Ref:
not yet implemented
API Ref:
lead = mc.execute(method='create_file', name='Marketo-Logo.jpg', file='Marketo-Logo.jpg', folder=115, description=None)
# NOTE: the behavior of the call will change; this describes current behavior
# description is optional
# insertOnly is documented in the API Ref but it is non-functional
# 'name' needs to match the 'file' name, otherwise you get error 709 "Upload file name and/or extension is
# different from name in parameter"
# in 'file', specify a path if file is not in the same folder as the Python script
API Ref:
file = mc.execute(method='get_file_by_id', id=16837)
except KeyError:
file = False
API Ref:
file = mc.execute(method='get_file_by_name', name='clogo8.jpg')
except KeyError:
file = False
API Ref:
lead = mc.execute(method='list_files', folder=709, maxReturn=None)
# folder and maxReturn are optional; default for maxReturn is 20 and max is 200
API Ref:
file = mc.execute(method='update_file_content', id=23307, file='Marketo-Logo-Large.jpg')
# in 'file', specify a path if file is not in the same folder as the Python script
API Ref:
snippet = mc.execute(method='create_snippet', folderId=132, folderType="Folder", name="API Snippet", description=None)
# description is optional
API Ref:
snippet = mc.execute(method='get_snippet_by_id', id=9)
API Ref:
snippet = mc.execute(method='delete_snippet', id=9)
API Ref:
snippet = mc.execute(method='update_snippet', id=9, name="API Snippet 2", description='Hello New Description')
API Ref:
snippets = mc.execute(method='get_snippets', maxReturn=None)
# maxReturn is optional; default for maxReturn is 20 and max is 200
API Ref:
snippet = mc.execute(method='get_snippet_content', id=9, status=None)
# status is optional and can be 'draft' or 'approved'
API Ref:
html_content = '<html><head></head><body><p>Hello World</p></body></html>'
snippet = mc.execute(method='update_snippet_content', id=9, type='HTML', content=html_content)
API Ref:
snippet = mc.execute(method='approve_snippet', id=9)
API Ref:
snippet = mc.execute(method='unapprove_snippet', id=9)
API Ref:
snippet = mc.execute(method='discard_snippet_draft', id=9)
API Ref:
snippet = mc.execute(method='clone_snippet', id=9, name='Cloned Snippet', folderId=132, folderType='Folder',
# description is optional
API Ref:
snippet = mc.execute(method='update_snippet_dynamic_content', id=9, segmentId=1008,
value='<p>Text in Dutch</p>', type='HTML')
API Ref:
snippet = mc.execute(method='get_snippet_dynamic_content', id=9)
API Ref:
segmentations = mc.execute(method='get_segmentations', status='approved')
# status is optional; values are 'draft' or 'approved'
API Ref:
segments = mc.execute(method='get_segments', id=1001, status=None)
# status is optional; values are 'draft' or 'approved'
API Ref:
template = mc.execute(method='create_landing_page_template', name='API LP Template', folderId=11,
folderType='Folder', description='Description', templateType='freeForm')
# description and templateType are optional; templateType can be freeForm (default) or guided
API Ref:
template = mc.execute(method='get_landing_page_template_by_id', id=30, status='approved')
# status is optional; values are 'draft' or 'approved'; a single landing page can have both an approved and a draft
# version
API Ref:
template = mc.execute(method='get_landing_page_template_by_name', name='API LP Template', status='draft')
# status is optional: values are 'draft' or 'approved'; a single landing page can have both an approved and a draft
# version
API Ref:
template = mc.execute(method='update_landing_page_template', id=59, name='API LP Template 2', description=None)
# name and description are optional, but - of course - you want to pass in at least 1 of them
# this is only to update name and description, use 'Update Landing Page Template Content' to update the HTML
API Ref: N/A
template = mc.execute(method='delete_landing_page_template', id=64)
API Ref:
template = mc.execute(method='get_landing_page_templates', status='approved', folderId=842, folderType='Folder')
# status, folderId, folderType and maxReturn are optional; status is 'draft' or 'approved'
# default for maxReturn is 20 and max is 200
# if you specify status, it will return an approved landing page with a draft for both status='draft' AND status='approved'
API Ref:
template = mc.execute(method='get_landing_page_template_content', id=30)
with open('landing-page-template-content-2.html', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
# status is optional: values are 'draft' or 'approved'
API Ref:
template = mc.execute(method='update_landing_page_template_content', id=59, content='LP-template-content.html')
# 'content' points to a file
API Ref: N/A
template = mc.execute(method='approve_landing_page_template', id=61)
API Ref: N/A
template = mc.execute(method='unapprove_landing_page_template', id=61)
API Ref: N/A
template = mc.execute(method='discard_landing_page_template_draft', id=42)
API Ref: N/A
template = mc.execute(method='clone_landing_page_template', id=42, name='cloned landing page template',
folderId=11, folderType='Folder')
# folderId 11 is the Landing Page Templates folder in the Default workspace
API Ref:
tags = {'Language': 'English'}
costs = '[{"startDate":"2015-01-01","cost":2000,"note":""}]'
program = mc.execute(method='create_program', folderId=28, folderType='Folder', name='Program Name',
description='new Program', type='Default', channel='Operational', tags=tags, costs=costs)
# description, tags and costs are optional
# the 'note' parameter in 'costs' is currently required but will be made optional in a future release
API Ref:
lead = mc.execute(method='get_program_by_id', id=1014)
except KeyError:
lead = False
API Ref:
lead = mc.execute(method='get_program_by_name', name='Email Program Test')
except KeyError:
lead = False
API Ref:
program = mc.execute(method='get_program_by_tag_type', tagType='Language', tagValue='English', maxReturn=20)
except KeyError:
program = False
# maxReturn defaults to 20 and can be set to 200 max; this loops and gets all programs with the specific Tag & Value
API Ref:
tags = {'Language': 'English'}
program = mc.execute(method='update_program', id=1160, name='Updated Name', description='description update', tags=tags)
# the 'costs' and 'costsDestructiveUpdate' parameters as mentioned in the docs are not implemented yet
API Ref:
program = mc.execute(method='delete_program', id=1208)
API Ref:
lead = mc.execute(method='browse_programs', status='completed', maxReturn=200)
# status and maxReturn are optional; default for maxReturn is 20 and max is 200
API Ref:
program = mc.execute(method='clone_program', id=1207, name="Program Clone", folderId=28, folderType='Folder',
description="this is a description")
# description is optional
API Ref:
program = mc.execute(method='approve_program', id=1208)
API Ref:
program = mc.execute(method='approve_program', id=1208)
smart_list = mc.execute(method='get_smart_list_by_program_id', id=123, includeRules=True,
# only works to get the built-in Smart List for Email Programs
# set includeRules to False if you do not want to get all filters of the smart list in the response
API Ref:
channels = mc.execute(method='get_channels', maxReturn=None)
# maxReturn is optional; default for maxReturn is 20 and max is 200
API Ref:
channel = mc.execute(method='get_channel_by_name', name="Nurture")
except KeyError:
channel = False
API Ref:
tags = mc.execute(method='get_tags', maxReturn=None)
# maxReturn is optional; default for maxReturn is 20 and max is 200
API Ref:
tag = mc.execute(method='get_tag_by_name', name="Language")
except KeyError:
tag = False
resultType = mc.execute(method='create_update_custom_object_type', apiName='transactions', displayName='Transactions', action='createOnly', description='Transactions custom object for the transactions')
result = mc.execute(method='delete_custom_object_type', apiName='transactions')
result = mc.execute(method='approve_custom_object_type', apiName='transactions')
result = mc.execute(method='discard_custom_object_type', apiName='transactions')
fields = [{"displayName": "Email", "description": "Email", "name": "email", "dataType": "link", "relatedTo": {"name": "lead", "field": "email"}},
{"displayName": "Transaction ID", "description": "Transaction ID", "name": "txid", "dataType": "integer", "isDedupeField": True},
{"displayName": "Total", "description": "Transaction total", "name": "total", "dataType": "float"}]
result = mc.execute(method='add_field_custom_object_type', apiName='transactions',fields=fields)
coTypes = mc.execute(method='get_list_of_custom_object_types')
description = mc.execute(method='describe_custom_object_type')
** Not currently implemented **
API Ref:
result = mc.execute(method='get_list_of_custom_objects', names=['Order', 'Test'])
# names is optional
API Ref:
result = mc.execute(method='describe_custom_object', name='Campaigns')
API Ref:
custom_objects = [{'TK_ID': 'abc123', 'PartNo_1': 'ABC', 'CatalogDescription_1': 'ABC Description'},
{'TK_ID': 'abc123', 'PartNo_1': 'DEF', 'CatalogDescription_1': 'DEF Description'}]
result = mc.execute(method='create_update_custom_objects', name='Campaigns', input=custom_objects, action=None, dedupeBy=None)
# action and dedupeBy are optional
API Ref:
custom_objects = [{'TK_ID': 'abc123', 'PartNo_1': 'ABC'}]
result = mc.execute(method='delete_custom_objects', name='Campaigns', input=custom_objects, deleteBy=None)
# dedupeBy is optional
# in the example above there are 2 dedupe fields
API Ref:
query = [{'TK_ID': 'abc123', 'ListID': 123},{'TK_ID': 'abc123', 'ListID': 12396}]
result = mc.execute(method='get_custom_objects', input=query, name='Campaigns', filterType='dedupeFields',
fields=['TK_ID', 'ListID', 'PartNo_1'], batchSize=None)
query2 = [{'marketoGUID': 'eadc92fb-17ef-4e4d-bb20-73aee1a0d57e'}]
result2 = mc.execute(method='get_custom_objects', input=query2, name='Campaigns', filterType='idField')
query3 = [{'TK_ID': 'abc123'}]
result3 = mc.execute(method='get_custom_objects', input=query3, name='Campaigns', filterType='TK_ID')
# fields and batchSize are optional
# in the first example there are two dedupeFields, which is why the dictionary has two keys; the 'link' field is also
# searchable, but then 'filterType' needs to be the name of that field.
API Ref:
result = mc.execute(method='describe_opportunity')
API Ref:
opportunities = [{'externalOpportunityId': 'O000004', 'externalCompanyId': 'C000003', 'name': 'Test Opportunity',
'amount': 5000, 'closeDate': '2016-06-30', 'isClosed': False, 'stage': 'Qualification',
'externalSalesPersonId': '[email protected]'}]
result = mc.execute(method='create_update_opportunities', input=opportunities, action=None, dedupeBy=None)
# action and dedupeBy are optional
# action can be createOnly, updateOnly or createOrUpdate (default)
# dedupeBy is dedupeFields (default) or idField
API Ref:
opportunities = [{"externalOpportunityId": "O000004"}]
result = mc.execute(method='delete_opportunities', input=opportunities, deleteBy=None)
# deleteBy is optional; it can be dedupeFields (default) or idField
API Ref:
result = mc.execute(method='get_opportunities', filterType='externalOpportunityId', filterValues=['O000003'],
fields=['name', 'amount', 'closeDate', 'stage'])
#result = mc.execute(method='get_opportunities', filterType='externalCompanyId', filterValues=['C000003'])
# fields and batchSize are optional; default and maximum batch size is 300
API Ref:
result = mc.execute(method='describe_opportunity_role')
API Ref:
opportunities_roles = [{'externalOpportunityId': 'O000004', 'leadId': 2, 'role': 'Technical Buyer', 'isPrimary': False}]
result = mc.execute(method='create_update_opportunities_roles', input=opportunities_roles, action=None, dedupeBy=None)
# action and dedupeBy are optional
# action can be createOnly, updateOnly or createOrUpdate (default)
# dedupeBy is dedupeFields (default) or idField
API Ref:
opportunities = [{'externalOpportunityId': 'O000004', 'leadId': 2, 'role': 'Technical Buyer'}]
result = mc.execute(method='delete_opportunity_roles', input=opportunities, deleteBy=None)
# deleteBy is optional; it can be dedupeFields (default, all 3 fields shown) or idField
API Ref:
result = mc.execute(method='get_opportunity_roles', filterType='externalOpportunityId', filterValues=['O000003'])
#result = mc.execute(method='get_opportunity_roles', filterType='marketoGUID', filterValues=['63ea3a3f-1b35-4723-850e-99b41b14a636'])
#result = mc.execute(method='get_opportunity_roles', filterType='leadId', filterValues=['2'])
# fields and batchSize are optional; default and maximum batch size is 300
API Ref:
company = mc.execute(method='describe_company')
API Ref:
companies = [{'externalCompanyId': 'C000001', 'company': 'Acme 1', 'website': '',
'numberOfEmployees': 856, 'billingCity': 'San Mateo', 'billingState': 'CA'},
{'externalCompanyId': 'C000002', 'company': 'Acme 2', 'website': '',
'numberOfEmployees': 114, 'billingCity': 'Redmond', 'billingState': 'WA'}]
company = mc.execute(method='create_update_companies', input=companies, action=None, dedupeBy=None)
# action and dedupeBy are optional
API Ref:
companies = [{'externalCompanyId': 'C000003'}]
company = mc.execute(method='delete_companies', input=companies, deleteBy=None)
# deleteBy is optional; values can be dedupeFields (default) or idField
companies = [{'id': 8}]
company = mc.execute(method='delete_companies', input=companies, deleteBy='idField')
API Ref:
result = mc.execute(method='get_companies', filterType='company', filterValues=['Acme 1', 'Acme 2'],
fields=['company', 'billingCity', 'billingState', 'website', 'numberOfEmployees'], batchSize=None)
# fields and batchSize are optional
# filterType can be: externalCompanyId, id, externalSalesPersonId, company
API Ref:
salesperson = mc.execute(method='describe_sales_person')
API Ref:
salespeople = [{"externalSalesPersonId":"[email protected]", "email":"[email protected]", "firstName":"Sam", "lastName":"Sanosin"},
{"externalSalesPersonId":"[email protected]", "email":"[email protected]", "firstName":"David", "lastName":"Aulassak"}]
result = mc.execute(method='create_update_sales_persons', input=salespeople, action=None, dedupeBy=None)
# action and dedupeBy are optional
API Ref:
salespeople = [{"externalSalesPersonId":"[email protected]"}]
result = mc.execute(method='delete_sales_persons', input=salespeople, deleteBy=None)
# deleteBy is optional; values can be dedupeFields (default) or idField
API Ref:
result = mc.execute(method='get_sales_persons', filterType='externalSalesPersonId', filterValues=['[email protected]'],
fields=None, batchSize=None)
# fields and batchSize are optional
# filterType can be: externalSalesPersonId, id, email
Replace 'activities' with 'leads', 'custom_objects' or 'program_members' in below to get the equivalent for leads, custom objects and program members export. For Custom Objects, the
attribute is always required.
export_jobs = mc.execute(method='get_activities_export_jobs_list')
export_jobs = mc.execute(method='get_activities_export_jobs_list', object_name='pet_c')
# `object_name` is required; this is the same for all Custom Object bulk export calls
new_export_job_details = mc.execute(method='create_activities_export_job', fields=['string', 'string'], filters={'createdAt': {'endAt': '2017-11-02', 'startAt': '2017-11-01'}})
new_export_job_details = mc.execute(method='create_custom_objects_export_job', object_name='pet_c', fields=['string', 'string'], filters={'staticListId': 1025})
# `object_name`, `fields` and `filters` are all required
new_export_job_details = mc.execute(method='cancel_activities_export_job', job_id='284742ec-1e5a-46f2-b164-498a41fcaaf6')
enqueued_job_details = mc.execute(method='enqueue_activities_export_job', job_id='284742ec-1e5a-46f2-b164-498a41fcaaf6')
export_job_status = mc.execute(method='get_activities_export_job_status', job_id='284742ec-1e5a-46f2-b164-498a41fcaaf6')
export_file_contents = mc.execute(method='get_activities_export_job_file', job_id='284742ec-1e5a-46f2-b164-498a41fcaaf6')
Or use streaming:
with mc.execute(method='get_activities_export_job_file', job_id='284742ec-1e5a-46f2-b164-498a41fcaaf6', stream=True) as r:
with open('filename.csv', 'wb') as f:
for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=1024):
if chunk:
# set your preferred chunk_size
for accounts in mc.execute(method='get_named_accounts', filterType='name', filterValues='Acme',
fields='name,score1,annualRevenue', batchSize=None, return_full_result=False,
# filterType may be any single field returned in the searchableFields member of the describe result for named accounts
# specify up to 300 filterValues comma-separated or as a list; you are out of luck if your filterValues have commas
# default and maximum batchSize is 300 (in the response)
# return_full_result=True will return requestId and nextPageToken
# nextPageToken: optional; normally you wouldn't need it, unless you are resuming a prior export
for lists in mc.execute(method='get_named_account_lists', filterType='dedupeFields', filterValues='Accounts Tier 1',
batchSize=None, return_full_result=False, nextPageToken=None):
# instead of 'dedupeFields' you can also use 'idField', which would be the marketoGUID
# specify up to 300 filterValues comma-separated or as a list; you are out of luck if your filterValues have commas
# default and maximum batchSize is 300 (in the response)
# return_full_result=True will return requestId and nextPageToken
# nextPageToken: optional; normally you wouldn't need it, unless you are resuming a prior export
for accounts in mc.execute(method='get_named_account_list_members', id='d5080d12-a40c-4b9f-ae01-453bdf662fdd',
fields='name,score1', batchSize=None, return_full_result=False, nextPageToken=None):
# default and maximum batchSize is 300
# return_full_result=True will return requestId and nextPageToken
# nextPageToken: optional; normally you wouldn't need it, unless you are resuming a prior export
There are stubs for other Named Account methods in
but those aren't implemented yet.
Conventions used for functions:
- functions mirror as closely as possible how the functions work in the Marketo REST API; exceptions: get_lead_activities, get_lead_changes and get_deleted_leads where you can pass in a datetime directly rather than having to use get_paging_token (which you can still use, if you want to)
- name of the function is exactly the same as on the Marketo Developer website, but lowercase with spaces replaced by underscores, and "by Id" removed in case "by Id" is the only option
- variables are written exactly the same as in the Marketo REST API, even though they should be lower case according to PEP8
- all required variables are checked on whether they're passed in, if not we raise a ValueError
- functions return the 'result' node from the Marketo REST API response; if there is no 'result' node, 'success' is returned (which is true/false)
- if the Marketo REST API returns an error, it will raise a Python error with error code and details, which can be handled in your code through try/except
- the variable in with the API response is loaded is called 'result' also (so result['result'] is what is returned)
- the client will loop if the number of results is greater than the batch size; it will then return all results together; this is not always ideal, because large data sets may take lots of processing time and memory;
- batchSize is offered as a parameter (if available), but should usually be left blank
- calls that support both GET and POST are implemented as POST to handle more data (for example: long lists of fields)
- folder IDs are split up in Id and Type parameters
- some parameters names shadow build-ins, which is not ideal, but done for consistency with the Marketo API parameters