Render your Minecraft skin into a nice profile picture
These are a few examples of renders made by this project (skin, result):
First, install pillow. This is inside requirements.txt
Then, change some options inside
and run it. You should have a file called result.png in (depending on some settings) anywhere from 0 seconds to ~10 seconds.
You should change this option. This is the file it grabs the skin from to generate the render.
Set this option to your skin arm size. Steve style is 4, Alex style is 3.
Change this option True if you want to use blurring for the skin on the background. This does make the render slower. False to disable.
Change this option to your preferred background color. It should be in RGB format.
This determines if the top layer of the skin should also be rendered (on the head). The top layer can overlap the skin in a bad way, but can also make it way nicer.
This is the canvas size in pixels. Changing this shouldn't mess anything up, but it may.
This is the size of the pixels from the minecraft skin translated onto the canvas (FOR THE HEAD). Making the value inside bigger makes the actual pixels smaller and vice versa.
This does the same as PIXEL_SIZE, but for the body.
This is the offset for the top layer to be moved left/right. The default value is one PIXEL_SIZE, but it can be changed if it looks wrong.
This is the offset for the top layer to be moved up/down. The default value is one PIXEL_SIZE, but it can be changed if it looks wrong.
You shouldn't need to change these. If you feel the need, and something is actually wrong with the script: please feel free to make a PR :).