Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:plugin from 4.74 to 4.75 #366
This check has been archived and is scheduled for deletion.
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ci.jenkins.io / Jenkins
Oct 30, 2023 in 1h 5m 49s
windows-11 / Build (windows-11) / Windows Batch Script
Error in bat
step, with arguments mvn --batch-mode --show-version --errors --no-transfer-progress --update-snapshots -Dmaven.repo.local=C:/Jenkins/agent/workspace/gins_stashnotifier-plugin_PR-366@tmp/m2repo -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore -Dspotbugs.failOnError=false -Dcheckstyle.failOnViolation=false -Dcheckstyle.failsOnError=false -Dset.changelist clean install
Build log
[2023-10-30T06:37:50.862Z] C:\Jenkins\agent\workspace\gins_stashnotifier-plugin_PR-366>mvn --batch-mode --show-version --errors --no-transfer-progress --update-snapshots -Dmaven.repo.local=C:/Jenkins/agent/workspace/gins_stashnotifier-plugin_PR-366@tmp/m2repo -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore -Dspotbugs.failOnError=false -Dcheckstyle.failOnViolation=false -Dcheckstyle.failsOnError=false -Dset.changelist clean install
[2023-10-30T06:37:51.270Z] -XX:G1ConcRefinementThreads=4 -XX:GCDrainStackTargetSize=64 -XX:InitialHeapSize=134200512 -XX:MaxHeapSize=2147208192 -XX:+PrintCommandLineFlags -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=251658240 -XX:+SegmentedCodeCache -XX:+UseCompressedClassPointers -XX:+UseCompressedOops -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:-UseLargePagesIndividualAllocation
[2023-10-30T06:37:52.588Z] Apache Maven 3.9.5 (57804ffe001d7215b5e7bcb531cf83df38f93546)
[2023-10-30T06:37:52.590Z] Maven home: C:\tools\apache-maven-3.9.5
[2023-10-30T06:37:52.592Z] Java version: 11.0.20, vendor: Eclipse Adoptium, runtime: C:\tools\jdk-11
[2023-10-30T06:37:52.594Z] Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: UTF-8
[2023-10-30T06:37:52.600Z] OS name: "windows server 2019", version: "10.0", arch: "amd64", family: "windows"
[2023-10-30T06:38:02.509Z] [INFO] Error stacktraces are turned on.
[2023-10-30T06:43:10.447Z] Cannot contact aci-maven-11-windows-0rl69: java.lang.InterruptedException
[2023-10-30T07:37:34.947Z] Could not connect to aci-maven-11-windows-0rl69 to send interrupt signal to process
windows-11 / Build (windows-11) / Archive JUnit-formatted test results
Error in junit
step, with arguments **/target/surefire-reports/**/*.xml,**/target/failsafe-reports/**/*.xml,**/target/invoker-reports/**/*.xml
Unable to create live FilePath for aci-maven-11-windows-0rl69; aci-maven-11-windows-0rl69 was marked offline: Connection was broken
Build log
[2023-10-30T07:37:35.221Z] ERROR: Issue with creating launcher for agent aci-maven-11-windows-0rl69. The agent has not been fully initialized yet
- linux-11 (5 ms)
- Checkout (linux-11) (21 sec)
- Build (linux-11) (1 min 41 sec)
- Archive (linux-11) (22 sec)
- windows-11 (3 ms)
- Checkout (windows-11) (11 sec)
- Build (windows-11) (59 min)
Error: null
Error: Unable to create live FilePath for aci-maven-11-windows-0rl69; aci-maven-11-windows-0rl69 was marked offline: Connection was broken - Checkout (windows-11) (13 sec)
- Build (windows-11) (3 min 26 sec)
- Archive (windows-11) (0.87 sec)
- linux-17 (4 ms)
- Checkout (linux-17) (23 sec)
- Build (linux-17) (1 min 24 sec)
- Archive (linux-17) (6.5 sec)
- linux-21 (1 min 57 sec)
- Checkout (linux-21) (23 sec)
- Build (linux-21) (1 min 18 sec)
- Archive (linux-21) (1.2 sec)
- Deploy (4 sec)