1 Intro
4 Dev Ops
The app is split into a Client (AngularJS) and Server (Python) structure. Each can be developed independently of each other. See below for instructions on how to set up your dev environment.
See our FAQ if you hit any problems getting setup
Looking to get involved in development? Check out the Working Group meeting details, review the Roadmap, and review our Contributor guidelines.
Following must be available locally:
- NodeJS LTS v6+ NodeJS LTS install here
- Gulp is used to run and build the app, install globally as follows:
npm install gulp -g
You will now have to install all the app dependencies using NPM
cd client
npm install
If you plan to do client development you can run the app using gulp, without having to worry too much about the server. If you want to point the client at a non-local API (e.g. a staging environment), you'll have to change the environment config for development in client/taskingmanager.config.json
cd client [if not already in client]
gulp run
The client has a suite of Jasmine Unit Tests, that you can run using Karma as follows
cd client [if not already in client]
karma start ..\tests\client\karma.conf.js
Following must be available locally:
- Python 3.6 - Python 3.6 install here
- Create a Python Virtual Environment, using Python 3.6:
python -m venv ./venv
- Activate your virtual environment and install dependencies:
- Linux/Mac:
. ./venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Windows (use installer because of precompiled libs):
- Linux/Mac:
As the project is open source, we have to keep secrets out of the repo. You will need to setup the following env vars locally:
TM_DB - This is for the PostGIS connection string. If you can't access an existing DB refer to DevOps page to set up a local DB in Docker
TM_SECRET - This is secret key for the TM app used by itsdangerous and flask-oauthlib for entropy
TM_CONSUMER_KEY - This is the OAUTH Consumer Key used for authenticating the Tasking Manager App in OSM
TM_CONSUMER_SECRET - This is the OAUTH Consumer Secret used for authenticating the Tasking Manager App in OSM
TM_SMTP_HOST - The hostname for the SMTP server that is used to send email alerts
TM_SMTP_PORT - The port number for the SMTP server that is used to send email alerts
TM_SMTP_USER - The user for the SMTP server that is used to send email alerts
TM_SMTP_PASSWORD - The password for the SMTP server that is used to send email alerts
- (It is strongly recommended to set these within your .bash_profile so they are available to all processes)
export TM_SECRET=secret-key-here
export TM_CONSUMER_KEY=oauth-consumer-key-goes-here
export TM_CONSUMER_SECRET=oauth-consumer-secret-key-goes-here
export TM_SMTP_HOST=smtp-server-host-here
export TM_SMTP_PORT=smtp-server-port-here
export TM_SMTP_USER=smtp-server-user-here
export TM_SMTP_PASSWORD=smtp-server-password-here
setx TM_SECRET "secret-key-here"
setx TM_CONSUMER_KEY "oauth-consumer-key-goes-here"
setx TM_CONSUMER_SECRET "oauth-consumer-secret-key-goes-here"
setx TM_SMTP_HOST "smtp-server-host-here"
setx TM_SMTP_PORT "smtp-server-port-here"
setx TM_SMTP_USER "smtp-server-user-here"
setx TM_SMTP_PASSWORD "smtp-server-password-here"
We use Flask-Migrate to create the database from the migrations directory. If you can't access an existing DB refer to DevOps page to set up a local DB in Docker create the database as follows:
python manage.py db upgrade
If you plan to only work on the API you don't need to build the client and can run as follows:
- Run the server:
python manage.py runserver -d -r
- Point your browser to:
If you want to see the client you will need to follow all the instruction in Client Development section then build the client as follows:
- Build the client using gulp:
cd client
gulp build
- You can now run the server as above from the root dir:
cd ..
python manage.py runserver -d -r
- Point your browser to:
The project includes a suite of Unit and Integration tests that you should run after any changes
python -m unittest discover tests/server
If you encounter any issues while setting up a dev environment, please visit our FAQ ❓ page to find possible solutions.
On boot the Tasking Manager App will look for the following environment vars:
- TM_ENV - Allows you to specify which config to load from
.- Acceptable values:
- Dev - This is the default
- Staging - Use this for your staging/test environment
- Prod - Use this for your production environment
- Acceptable values:
Please see the Localisation Wiki for more details.