Fast weather and air quality reports in your terminal.
Dark Sky API deprecation coming 2021: Apple acquired Dark Sky, and will be shutting down its API. Dark Sky will no longer generate API tokens for new customers. Vaporwair will be moving to support the National Weather Service API, so stay tuned.
Vaporwair is a command line application that combines weather and air quality forecasts to produce four reports:
- Summary
- Hourly weather
- Weekly forecast
- Air quality report
Most weather reports do not include air quality, and both air quality and weather services require visiting multiple web pages to get detailed information, which is slow. Vaporwair retrieves both forecasts in the terminal as quickly as possible. It’s written in Go, both for Go’s commandline and OS facilities, as well as its concurrency model.
The default report includes a brief description of the weather, min and max temps, humidity, air quality index, and more.
$ vaporwair
This week: Light rain today, with high temperatures bottoming out at 59°F on Sunday.
Currently: Partly Cloudy.
Current Temperature: 61 °F
Min Temperature: 51 °F at 23:00 HH:MM
Max Temperature: 61 °F at 15:00 HH:MM
Humidity: 74 %
Wind speed: 3 mph
Air Quality Index: 33 PM2.5 Good
Precipitation: 69 %
Precip Type: rain
Sunrise: 06:15 HH:MM
Sunset: 17:55 HH:MM
The hourly weather report prints a short description of the forecast, as well as the expected temperature, precipitation, precipitation intensity, and wind speed for the next 12 hours.
$ vaporwair -h
Partly cloudy until tomorrow afternoon.
Hour Temp Feels Like Precip Intensity Wind
---- ---- ---------- ------ --------- ----
16:00 61 °F 61 °F 0 % 0.00 mmph 6 mph
17:00 59 °F 59 °F 0 % 0.00 mmph 5 mph
18:00 57 °F 57 °F 0 % 0.00 mmph 5 mph
19:00 55 °F 55 °F 8 % 0.21 mmph 6 mph
20:00 54 °F 54 °F 5 % 0.11 mmph 7 mph
21:00 53 °F 53 °F 7 % 0.27 mmph 6 mph
22:00 52 °F 52 °F 10 % 0.45 mmph 5 mph
23:00 51 °F 51 °F 12 % 0.46 mmph 6 mph
00:00 51 °F 51 °F 11 % 0.42 mmph 6 mph
01:00 50 °F 50 °F 10 % 0.36 mmph 7 mph
02:00 50 °F 47 °F 12 % 0.61 mmph 6 mph
03:00 50 °F 48 °F 6 % 0.15 mmph 6 mph
The weekly weather report prints a short description of the week's forecast, as well as temperature, precipitation, humidity, and wind speed for the coming 7 days.
$ vaporwair -w
Light rain today, with high temperatures bottoming out at 60°F on Sunday.
Day Min Max Precip Type Humidity Wind
--- --- --- ------ ---- -------- ----
Thu 51 °F 61 °F 69 % rain 74 % 3 mph
Fri 49 °F 60 °F 31 % rain 55 % 6 mph
Sat 47 °F 61 °F 8 % rain 52 % 1 mph
Sun 49 °F 60 °F 35 % rain 57 % 2 mph
Mon 47 °F 65 °F 13 % rain 46 % 1 mph
Tue 47 °F 65 °F 28 % rain 50 % 1 mph
Wed 50 °F 66 °F 4 % rain 35 % 7 mph
The air quality report prints the air quality index for five pollutants for the next two days.
$ vaporwair -a
Type AQI Category Description
---- --- -------- -----------
O3 26 1 Good
PM2.5 33 1 Good
PM10 10 1 Good
NO2 23 1 Good
CO 6 1 Good
O3 23 1 Good
PM2.5 21 1 Good
PM10 9 1 Good
NO2 23 1 Good
CO 3 1 Good
- Obtain two free API keys:
- Dark Sky: for weather reports. (NOTE: to be deprecated in 2021. Dark Sky is no longer issuing new API keys. Existing keys will work until the service shuts down in 2021.)
- AirNow: for air quality reports from the Environmental Protection Agency.
Download and install the Go programming language.
Clone this repository.
Navigate to this repository’s directory, and run
go install
. Make sure your terminal has the Go bin directory in its $PATH. -
Run the
binary, and follow the prompts to input the Dark Sky and AirNow API keys. Vaporwair will create a configuration directory in your home directory, then execute the Summary report
You can specify other reports using the flags listed above in the Reports section. To view a list of available flags, type vaporwair -help
Vaporwair obtains users coordinates via their IP address, calls the Dark Sky and AirNow APIs to get location-based weather and air quality forecasts, then prints one of several reports, specified by a flag.
To prevent needless network calls, Vaporwair determines if the user made a call within the last five minutes. If so, Vaporwair assumes the data is still valid, and executes reports using the last stored call. This shortcut assumes the coordinates have not meaningfully changed in the last five minutes.
If the data has expired, Vaporwair kicks off asynchronous API calls to retrieve new forecasts. It makes optimistic calls to the AirNow and Dark Sky APIs using the previous coordinates, and a call to the IP-API to get the current coordinates.
After Vaporwair acquires the updated coordinates from the IP-API, it compares the updated coordinates to the coordinates used for the optimistic calls in step 2. If the coordinates match, the forecast is valid for the location and Vaporwair executes the report. If not: (Step 4).
Vaporwair asynchronously calls the APIs with the updated coordinates, waits for the updated forecasts, executes the Summary (or user-flagged) report, and stores the forecast data for subsequent reports.
- Only standard Go packages (i.e. no external libraries).
- Reports must fit in an unmaximized terminal to avoid scrolling.
- Only one report can be run at a time.
- Move from Dark Sky API to National Weather Service API.
- Improve entry of API keys with confirmation, fault-tolerance. Possibly a flag to re-enter API keys.
- Add a flag to specify and configure standard international units.
- Once design finalizes, include tests, benchmarks, and additional documentation.