documentation of jedrula's personal application
The application is a combination of a portfolio and a technical blog
The whole system is composed of 4 applications which have seperate repositories
Ember application - there is a fastboot version (see #2) running on Pi and static version on monitor:
fastboot application which runs the code from #1 (port forwarded to a home server 5005 port running fastboot app)
jsonapi-server used as API for Ember
not accesible publicly, on LAN (raspberry pi running nodejs app)
you need to make sure mongo url is set correctly. When you use an ip then make sure bind_ip is set properly in /etc/mongod.conf
nodejs backend which authorizes requests using jsonwebtokens. authorized requests are proxied to the backend application (#3) (port forwarded to a raspberry pi 4000 port running nodejs app)
1 (frontend js app) - sits on a surge server, api server points to a no-ip domain which holds the ip of my modem. The api server port is forwarded by my home router to a raspberry pi where the nodejs application is running
2 (fastboot app) - sits on a NAS synology server. Used to live on a raspberry but was very slow. The url is a no-ip server with a port that is forwarded to the NAS.
3 (backend application) - sits on raspberry pi. Not publicly accessible/
4 (auth application) - sits on raspberry pi. It can be accessed using the url of api server from point 1
5 (mongodb) - sits on raspberry pi.