- A comprehensive list for endpoints, success and error outputs can be found at https://backend-build-week.vercel.app/
- Development and testing are in sqlite3
- Production is can use either sqlite3 or postgresSQL
- Will be using postgresSQL on production for better user experience
- Allows storage of information for the application
- list of users (targeting professors)
- list of students
- list of classes the users are teaching
- list of tasks each student has and their deadline
- Use relational database for the information storage
- Use Jest for unit testing the database methods used in API
- Use JWT (Json web token) for authentication
- Created endpoints to the specification of the front-end engineers
- get student list for each professor (aka user)
- get student list for a particular class
- get individual student's taks list
- be able to create, edit and delete user, students, tasks and classes