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This Puppet module will install and manage wal-e for PostgreSQL.


This module is still being fleshed out and has only been tested with Ubuntu. It is also opinionated in that it expects PostgreSQL to be installed on the host machine.

If you are using the Puppet Labs PostgreSQL module, you can configure WAL-E as such:

class { 'postgresql::server': }->
class { 'wal_e':
  access_key => 'foo',
  secret_key => 'bar',
  s3_prefix  => 's3://bucket/folder',


Like the module, the Vagrantfile is opinionated. You will need to pass a PUPPET_HOME variable with the directory to the following Puppet Labs modules:

  • apt
  • concat
  • firewall
  • postgresql
  • stdlib

For example, PUPPET_HOME=~/path/to/puppet vagrant up will start a Ubuntu box and setup WAL-E.