A LAN server system desighed to run on low end Linux SBCs
It is best described as a System of Systems, gluing together other open source projects.
Now moved to: MQTT-home/linux/home-broker
- MQTT - A IBM designed messaging system for devices
- WeMo -
- ZigBee Home Automation Devices
- IP/WiFi MQTT home automation devices
- fauxmo
- mqtt
- zigbee2mqtt
- And of course lots of tools like python, sqlite
- Collecting IP/ZigBee devices into a simplified interface
- Lightweight HTTP serverer for:
- maintain/map fauxmo devices
- provides a link zigbee2mqtt to maintain zigbee devices
- allow manual entry of custom IP devices
- auto collects home-broker IP devices
- view consilodated devices and generated pub/sub topics/payloads
- it can be used to test devices turn on and off
- Publish a simplified JSON file of all IP and Zigbee devices
- containing MQTT pup/sub and payload strings
- Available to feed other Home Automation systems
- A local MQTT Broker
- A WeMo to MQTT device mapping
currently developed/tested on Raspbian Linux, should work on any linux/Unix
Written in Python3 with some SQL
Designed to require NO user configuration after a SD img is built.
home-broker - a small dedicated mqtt, fauxmo and zigbee server it consolodates zigbee and Internet/WiFi devices in a sqlite database. It only collects and distributes configuration It serves device information via pub/sub to extract devices from database to be used by other automation systems. This data is simplfied and provides formatted data including the pub/sub strings
SBC pretty much anything that can run Linux
with RJ45 to connect to the home router, it is a server and not designed to be WiFi
and a USB port for the zigbee dongle
- Raspbian linux
- AML-S905X-CC (Le Potato) SBC (because RPI 3's were unavailble)
- SONOFF Zigbee 3.0 USB Dongle (compatable and cheap)
- Here are the working dongles