initial setup scripts for linux and windows shells/termianls. Includes my personal pref confs.
The default "with fonts" is FiraCode Nerd Font
. You can change the font installed by passing the basename of the .zip
asset as per Nerd Font Github Releases -- e.g. FiraCode
, Hack
, CascadiaCode
, etc. It will always pull the latest release.
- zsh
- oh-my-zsh
- powerline10k customization
- tmux customization
- vim customization
- initial zshrc
rm -rf /tmp/jdkconf/ && git clone --depth 1 /tmp/jdkconf && bash /tmp/jdkconf/linux/
rm -rf /tmp/jdkconf/ && git clone --depth 1 /tmp/jdkconf && bash /tmp/jdkconf/linux/ && bash /tmp/jdkconf/linux/
IMO Windows Termianl is better than ConEmu long-term but is unreliably installable esp for windows server.
- oh-my-posh installation (installer has some prompting)
- powerline10k-like customization
- cmder mini + customization
rm -recurse -force -ea 0 -path "${ENV:TEMP}\jdkconf" ; git clone --depth 1 "${ENV:TEMP}\jdkconf" ; & "${ENV:TEMP}\jdkconf\windows\run.ps1"
rm -recurse -force -ea 0 -path "${ENV:TEMP}\jdkconf" ; git clone --depth 1 "${ENV:TEMP}\jdkconf" ; & "${ENV:TEMP}\jdkconf\windows\run.ps1" ; & "${ENV:TEMP}\jdkconf\windows\fonts.ps1"