Author: Tsung-Hsiang (Sean) Chang [email protected]
Fork me on GITHUB
Check out from github
$ git clone ~/.vim $ cd ~/.vim $ git submodule update --init
Install ~/.vimrc and ~/.gvimrc
$ ./
(Optional, if you want Command-T) Compile the Command-T plugin
$ cd .vim/bundle/command-t/ruby/command-t $ ruby extconf.rb $ make
All plugins (except vim-latex) were checked out as git submodules,
which can be upgraded with git pull
. For example, to upgrade Command-T
$ cd ~/.vim/bundle/command-t
$ git pull
see the "USEFUL SHORTCUTS" section in vimrc to learn my shortcuts.
Pathogen: Pathogen let us install a plugin as a bundle in ~/.vim/bundle seprately.
Nerd Tree: A tree explorer plugin for navigating the filesystem.
Useful commands:
:Bookmark [name]
- bookmark any directory as name:NERDTree [name]
- open the bookmark [name] in Nerd Tree
AutoClose: Inserts matching bracket, paren, brace or quote.
vim-surround: deal with pairs of surroundings.
matchit: extended % matching for HTML, LaTeX, and many other languages.
xmledit: XML/HTML tags will be completed automatically.
Command-T: open and navigate between files with
. -
SuperTab: Do all your insert-mode completion with Tab.
snipMate: TextMate-style snippets for Vim
:help snipMate
to see more info. -
YankRing: Maintains a history of previous yanks, changes and deletes
:help yankring
to see more info. -
VisIncr: Produce increasing/decreasing columns of numbers, dates, or daynames.
Cute Error Marker: showing error and warning icons on line.
Note: MacVim users need to enable "Use experimental renderer" to see graphical icons.
vim-latex: Latex support.
OmniCppComplete: C/C++ omni-completion with ctags database.
JavaComplete: Java Omni-completion.
- Latex: Read
:help latex-suite.txt
- Restructured Text:
ctrl-u 1~5
inserts Part/Chapter/Section headers - HTML, Javascript, Python, CSS, C, C++, Java: use
to do omni-completion. - HTML/XML: End tags are automatically completed after typing a begin tag. (Typing > twice pushes the end tag to a new line.)