This project consists of a basic proof of concept of an automated testing strategy for the FactilityUI project.
Install node.js
The most current version of node should be installed using the installer provided at If already installed, a minimum version of v0.10.29 is suggested.
Run setup.bat to install protractor and webdriver-manager
The batch file assists in installing protractor globally and updating the webdriver-manager that is created with the protractor installation. These steps can be run manually using:
> npm install -g protractor > webdriver-manager update --proxy
Note that the proxy being used is specific to an internal network environment.
Start an instance of selenium server. Open a new cmd window and run:
> webdriver-manager start
Run run.bat to execute all tests for the Login and App test suites. To run tests against either individually use:
> protractor Login/configuration.js > protractor App/configuration.js
The Login test suite demonstrates a set of tests that use the raw selenium webdriver api. This is used because protractor is specifically tailored to AngularJS development and requires angular to be defined on the page. Since the Login page does not include any angular apps, the raw selenium api must be used to test it.
The login test suite demonstrates a set of tests that validate overall application functionality. The configuration for the suite includes an onPrepare
function to manage user login as part of the test session. By default, all tests will login and navigate to #/ on the application.
By default, the tests will be run against http://localhost/MetasysFacility.Application. You can optionally set the environment variables TEST_HTTP_HOST and TEST_HTTP_ROOT to modify the base URL for the test. These are used in the format http://{TEST_HTTP_HOST}/{TEST_HTTP_ROOT}
To hit a different server with a production installation at http://10.x.x.x/ui use:
> set TEST_HTTP_HOST=10.x.x.x