async/await and Promise helpers.
npm i xaa
API references
Or just use your IDE for hint if it supports TypeScript and typedoc.
import { timeout } from "xaa";
async function test() {
// will throw TimeoutError
await timeout(50, "took too long").run(xaa.delay(100));
// will run the two functions and wait for them
await timeout(50, "oops")
() => xaa.delay(10, 1),
() => xaa.delay(15, 2),
"some value",
Promise.resolve("more value")
.then(results => {
// results === [1, 2, "some value", "more value"]
import { map } from xaa;
async function test() {
return await map(
["http://url1", "http://url2"],
async url => fetch(url),
{ concurrency: 2 }
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