A simple script for grabbing the most current list of Pingdom probe servers and adding them to a specified EC2 security group.
Requires the JSON and amazon-ec2 gems:
sudo gem install json
sudo gem install amazon-ec2
Configure the following environment variables at the top of the script:
- PINGDOM_EMAIL (the e-mail account associated with your Pingdom account)
- PINGDOM_PWD (the password for your Pingdom account)
- AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID (your Amazon Web Services Access Key)
- AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY (your Amazon Web Services Secret Key)
- SECURITY_GROUP_NAME (the AWS security group you wish to add the pingdom servers to)
- PORT_NUMBERS (an array of ports that you wish to give Pingdom probes access to. eg [80,443,8080])
- PROTOCOL (can be one of "tcp", "icmp", or "udp")
- SERVER (the Amazon EC2 endpoint for the region you wish to target)
To enable just ping monitoring, set PORT_NUMBERS to [-1] and PROTOCOL to "icmp"
Just run it.
Copyright (c) 2011 Alex Kremer. See LICENSE.txt for further details.