Still learning clojure. This is a collection of code related to Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, and Algorithms. Most of the code here is taken from or inspired by tutorials; credit and references are given at the top of each file.
NO USAGE Planned... this is for reference and learning.
- Incanter blog: Statistical Learning in Clojure
- Mahout and Incanter
- Least Squares in Clojure
- Wikipedia entry on Persistent Data Structure
- Clojure is my favrorite Ruby
- Lisp Books translated into Clojure
- Real time processing with Clojure and Java: Storm
- Stuart Halloway's Case for Clojure
- Brian's brain in Clojure
- Riak with Clojure
- Inference and Machine Learning library in Clojure
- Bindings to Weka library -- first version
- Bindings to Weka library -- second (forked) version --- (Actually this is Java)
- Currently working with: PigNLProc: build corpi from public wikimedia for hadoop batch processing
- Currently working with: Example code for creating text corpi (predecessor of PigNLP)
- text library
- Kartik Shah's clojure for @hmason 's Machine Learning Class/Workshop
- Using Incanter for machine learning
- Examples from 'Machine learning: An Algorithmic Perspective'
- Clustering librayr
- Website for collecting experimental data
- Wrapper to an API for neural networks
- Jan Aerts' Clojure for Stanford/Coursera Machine Learning Course
- online learning with clojure
- Implement a Turing Machine
- Directed Acyclic Graph in Clojure
- Logic Programming in Clojure Library: clojure.core.logic
- Bayesian Networks in Clojure (
- Markov Chain and Monte Carlo library in Clojure
- Data in Clojure, Incanter, Leiningen
- GATE extensions to support Clojure and Ruby
- Clojure bindings for GATE
Social web is a great place to get data to work with for experimental (and practical) work.
- Currently working with: A Twitter API (mattrepl -- clojure-twitter)
- Currently working with: A Twitter API (wuzhe -- twitter-api)
- Currently working with: Follow #help stream on Twitter
- Write tweets to mongo, uses Wolfram's graph algorith to get pagerank
- Twitter to hadoop
Copyright (C) 2012 Nobody
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.