Universal Soil Loss Equation on spatial inputs
##About USLE Method The USLE for estimating average annual soil erosion is:
- A = average annual soil loss in t/a (tons per acre)
- R = rainfall erosivity index
- K = soil erodibility factor
- LS = topographic factor - L is for slope length & S is for slope
- C = cropping factor
- P = conservation practice factor
###R - the rainfall erosivity index The erosivity index is a statistic calculated from the annual summation of rainfall energy in every storm (correlates with raindrop size) times its maximum 30 - minute intensity. As expected, it varies geographically.
##Datasources R rainfall erosivity index queiried from USDA RUSLE database
K ?Surgo?
LS slope length and slope determined from elevations using elevatR
C is a user specified landuse and lookup-table table for C values
P is user specified