This project process pictures on input, gets their average color and stores it in folder
- python3
- docker
- docker-compose
from project root
docker-compose -f -f docker-compose.yml up --build
you can upload file by upload_image
./scripts/ {path to your file}
alternatively by
docker cp {path to your file} img_processing_module_input_1:/tmp/images/input/{your filename}
docker-compose -f docker-compose-unit_test.yml up --build
process input file and send message to module_rgba
Receive messages from module_input
gets average rgba value from the picture and sends rgba message to module_color
Receive messages from module_rgba decides the color name and stores picture into the color folder by color name.
img_processing_common (shared lib)
Code which is shared across modules
Provides interface to upload picture into system, or optionally extend for user interface By default it listens on port 8081, you can change port by setting SERVER_HTTP_PORT at .env file
Project uses redis as for communication between modules and shared volume between containers
covers following modules
i tested for following formats
- jpeg
- bmp
- pbm
- png
- tif
project is logging via driver: json-file you should see output in your console example of successful result
INFO:img_processing_common.logger:moved {'d13aee4e4b349411e4ff7c84af8870e7dcb8163e8b9f6500d5f3683bd0af2ce5'} to yellow