Console app for generating Croatian tax forms. You can pull code and build it or you can get OSX PREBUILT VERSION HERE or WIN10 PREBUILT VERSION HERE
For OSx:
- macos release >= 10.12
- dotnet-sdk
If you don't have dotnet-sdk installed:
- Execute: "brew cask install dotnet-sdk"
- Quit and reopen terminal. Execute "dotnet --info" to see if installation was successfull. If not execute "ln -s /usr/local/share/dotnet/dotnet /usr/local/bin/" and do "dotnet --info" again.
BUILD APP (skip if you are using prebuilt version):
- OSx: Execute "dotnet publish -c Release -r osx.10.11-x64"
- Windows: Execute "dotnet publish -c release -r win10-x64"
- Navigate to "TaxFormGenerator/bin/Release/netcoreapp2.0/osx.10.11-x64/publish" or to you app folder if you have prebuilt version
- Modify following config files with your params:
- "SalaryCalculator/SalaryConfig.json"
- "FormGenerator/SalaryJOPPD/ContributionsJOPPDTemplate.xml"
- "FormGenerator/SalaryJOPPD/TaxAndSurtaxJOPPDTemplate.xml"
- "FormGenerator/SalaryJOPPD/PensionPillar1PaymentConfig.json"
- "FormGenerator/SalaryJOPPD/PensionPillar2PaymentConfig.json"
- "FormGenerator/SalaryJOPPD/TaxAndSurtaxPaymentConfig.json"
- "FormGenerator/SalaryJOPPD/HealthInsuranceContributionPaymentConfig.json"
- "FormGenerator/SalaryJOPPD/WorkSafetyContributionPaymentConfig.json"
- "FormGenerator/SalaryJOPPD/EmploymentContributionPaymentConfig.json"
- "DividendCalculator/DividendConfig.json"
- "FormGenerator/DividendJOPPD/DividendJOPPDTemplate.xml"
- "FormGenerator/DividendJOPPD/PaymentConfig.json"
- Run "dotnet TaxFormGenerator.dll {PARAMS}"
- XML forms and payments.pdf (with barcodes for payments) will be generated in "Output" folder
- FormType
- type of the form
- possible values:
- SalaryJOPPD
- DividendJOPPD - default value: SalaryJOPPD
- FormDate - data when form was generated - default value: now - format depends on your computer settings
- PaymentDate - data when payment has been received - default value: now - format depends on your computer settings
- Amount - payment amount - default value: 830
- Currency - payment currency - default value: "EUR"
- SalaryMonth - month of the salary for which form is generated - default value: month before today's month - format: MM/YYYY
- StartDate - start date of the period for which dividend is being paid - default value: 1st January of the current year - format depends on your computer settings
- EndDate - end date of the period for which dividend is being paid - default value: 31st December of the current year - format depends on your computer settings
- salary JOPPD:
dotnet ./TaxFormGenerator.dll --date 12/19/2017 --paymentDate 12/17/2017 --salaryMonth 11/2017 - dividend JOPPD:
dotnet ./TaxFormGenerator.dll --formType DividendJOPPD --date 12/20/2017 --paymentDate 12/15/2017 --amount 5000
*Note: on Windows you can also use "TaxFormGenerator.exe" instead of "dotnet ./TaxFormGenerator.dll"