Unfazed identifies the parent of origin for de novo variants, accepting input from either a vcf file or bed file of variant information. Unfazed works for point mutations (SNVs and INDELs) as well as larger structural mutations. Also see (and cite) our Bioinformatics paper at https://academic.oup.com/bioinformatics/article/37/24/4860/6306405.
Unfazed identifies 'informative sites' upstream or downstream from a de novo variant, using a VCF/BCF of SNVs for the trio (the child and both parents). These informative sites are variants inherited from the parents that allow identification of the origin of the read (maternal or paternal).
Informative sites must be HET in the child and discernibly different in parents, specifically HOM_REF|HOM_ALT, HET|HOM_ALT, or HET|HOM_REF. These patterns allow identification of the parent of origin for the allele found at that site in each read spanning the region.
Extended read-backed phasing adds sensitivity by chaining reads together using mutually overlapped heterozygous sites, i.e. if two reads have the same allele for a given het site, those reads must come from the same parent. This allows the search distance from a given de novo variant to extend farther than possible with a single read pair.
Caveat: unfazed is not a variant validation tool, and assumes variants to phase are accurate de novo calls.
Unfazed also applies an additional phasing technique to copy-number variants (CNVs), by using the allele balance of heterozygous sites are found inside the copy-altered region.
- In a deletion, the allele of the de novo CNV's origin parent disappears and therefore the site should appear to be HOM_REF for the other parent's allele (although actually hemizygous).
- In a duplication, the allele balance of the de novo CNV's origin parent should be about double in proportion to the allele from the other parent. If parents share no alleles, this is fairly simple: if the allele balance of the alelle from parent A increases relatively, that is the origin parent. If the parents share one allele (one parent being HET, the other HOMREF or HOMALT) the DUP can only be phased if the non-shared allele is duplicated, as an increase in allele balance of the shared allele could come from a duplication in either parent. Unfazed requires an allele-balance of 0.66 in favor of the duplicated allele for each informative site.
Variants which lie on the X chromosome in male samples can generally be automatically phased to the mother and those from the Y can be phased to the father. The pseudoautosomal region (PAR) is the exception, where the X and Y are indistinguishable. Unfazed will therefore perform read-based or allele-balance phasing for PAR variants but will automatically phase other sex chromosome variants in males. This requires genome build information which is specified via the --build
parameter. Build defaults to build 38 and works for HG38 and GRCh38. Note that only human genome builds 19/37 and 38 are supported for special sex-chromosome phasing.
Unfazed is available for install from conda. Requires at least Python 3.5.
conda install -c bioconda unfazed
Unfazed options:
UNFAZED v1.0.2
usage: unfazed [-h] [-v] -d DNMS -s SITES -p PED [-b BAM_DIR] [--bam-pairs [BAM_PAIRS [BAM_PAIRS ...]]] [-t THREADS] [-o {vcf,bed}] [--include-ambiguous] [--verbose]
[--outfile OUTFILE] [-r REFERENCE] -g {37,38,na} [--no-extended] [--multiread-proc-min MULTIREAD_PROC_MIN] [-q] [--min-gt-qual MIN_GT_QUAL]
[--min-depth MIN_DEPTH] [--ab-homref AB_HOMREF] [--ab-homalt AB_HOMALT] [--ab-het AB_HET] [--evidence-min-ratio EVIDENCE_MIN_RATIO]
[--search-dist SEARCH_DIST] [--insert-size-max-sample INSERT_SIZE_MAX_SAMPLE] [--min-map-qual MIN_MAP_QUAL] [--stdevs STDEVS] [--readlen READLEN]
[--split-error-margin SPLIT_ERROR_MARGIN] [--max-reads MAX_READS]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version Installed version (1.0.2)
-d DNMS, --dnms DNMS valid VCF OR BED file of the DNMs of interest> If BED, must contain chrom, start, end, kid_id, var_type columns (default: None)
-s SITES, --sites SITES
sorted/bgzipped/indexed VCF/BCF file of SNVs to identify informative sites. Must contain each kid and both parents (default: None)
-p PED, --ped PED ped file including the kid and both parent IDs (default: None)
-b BAM_DIR, --bam-dir BAM_DIR
directory where bam/cram files (named {sample_id}.bam or {sample_id}.cram) are stored for offspring. If not included, --bam-pairs must be set
(default: None)
--bam-pairs [BAM_PAIRS [BAM_PAIRS ...]]
space-delimited list of pairs in the format {sample_id}:{bam_path} where {sample_id} matches an offspring id from the dnm file. Can be used with
--bam-dir arg, must be used in its absence (default: None)
-t THREADS, --threads THREADS
number of threads to use (default: 2)
-o {vcf,bed}, --output-type {vcf,bed}
choose output type. If --dnms is not a VCF/BCF, output must be to BED format. Defaults to match --dnms input file (default: None)
--include-ambiguous include ambiguous phasing results (default: False)
--verbose print verbose output including sites and reads used for phasing. Only applies to BED output (default: False)
--outfile OUTFILE name for output file. Defaults to stdout (default: /dev/stdout)
reference fasta file (required for crams) (default: None)
-g {37,38,na}, --build {37,38,na}
human genome build, used to determine sex chromosome pseudoautosomal regions. If `na` option is chosen, sex chromosomes will not be auto-phased.
HG19/GRCh37 interchangeable (default: None)
--no-extended do not perform extended read-based phasing (default True) (default: False)
--multiread-proc-min MULTIREAD_PROC_MIN
min number of variants required to perform multiple parallel reads of the sites file (default: 1000)
-q, --quiet no logging of variant processing data (default: False)
--min-gt-qual MIN_GT_QUAL
min genotype and base quality for informative sites (default: 20)
--min-depth MIN_DEPTH
min coverage for informative sites (default: 10)
--ab-homref AB_HOMREF
allele balance range for homozygous reference informative sites (default: 0.0:0.2)
--ab-homalt AB_HOMALT
allele balance range for homozygous alternate informative sites (default: 0.8:1.0)
--ab-het AB_HET allele balance range for heterozygous informative sites (default: 0.2:0.8)
--evidence-min-ratio EVIDENCE_MIN_RATIO
minimum ratio of evidence for a parent to provide an unambiguous call. Default 10:1 (default: 10)
--search-dist SEARCH_DIST
maximum search distance from variant for informative sites (in bases) (default: 5000)
--insert-size-max-sample INSERT_SIZE_MAX_SAMPLE
maximum number of read inserts to sample in order to estimate concordant read insert size (default: 1000000)
--min-map-qual MIN_MAP_QUAL
minimum map quality for reads (default: 1)
--stdevs STDEVS number of standard deviations from the mean insert length to define a discordant read (default: 3)
--readlen READLEN expected length of input reads (default: 151)
--split-error-margin SPLIT_ERROR_MARGIN
margin of error for the location of split read clipping in bases (default: 5)
--max-reads MAX_READS
maximum number of reads to collect for phasing a single variant (default: 100)
Many of the above optional arguments consist of options for user-defined deviation from tested defaults. For example, the --stdevs
options allow a user to alter the definition of a discordant read. By default, it is defined as a paired-end read in which the insert size is greater than 3 standard deviations above the mean, and where mean is calculated from the first million reads in an alignment file, excluding the top 0.5%. A user can decide to alter the number of standard deviations for greater or lesser sensitivity to discordant pairs, but the set defaults are used for all testing and are generally recommended.
-d mydenovos.vcf.gz\
-s sites.vcf.gz\
-p myped.ped\
-g 38 \
--bam-pairs a_sample:a_sample.bam
This will print an annotated vcf file of phased variants. Note that unfazed requires each input VCF to have the GT
, AD
, and GQ
-d mydenovos.bed\
-s sites.vcf.gz\
-p myped.ped\
-g 38 \
--bam-pairs a_sample:a_sample.bam
This will print a bed file of phased variants. The input bed file must have the following tab-separated columns: chrom, start, end, kid_id, var_type, where var_type is SNV, INDEL, POINT, DEL, DUP, INV, INS, MEI, or BND.
Unfazed will accept as input either a valid VCF file of de novo variants or a BED file with fields described below. Output can be either an annotated VCF or a BED file.
Unfazed adds two tags to the FORMAT field of the VCF.
- UOPS: support for the UOP call (count of informative sites)
- UET: evidence type(s) for the UOP call, which may be 0 (readbacked), 1 (allele-balance, for CNVs only), 2 (both readbacked and allele-balance), 3 (ambiguous- readbacked), 4 (ambiguous-allele-balance), 5 (ambiguous-both), -1 (missing).
Unfazed replaces
in the GT tag for phased variants to indicate phasing, following the phase order paternal|maternal. -
VCF output is only possible when
is a VCF file. -
Unfazed is not effective for SV types that have neither clear discordant pair evidence nor a copy-number impact. Thus, it does not work for insertion variants (INS) or breakends (BNDs).
22 16256430 . A G 453874 PASS AC=3;AF=0.495;AN=6 GT:AD:DP:GQ:PL 0/1:17,12:29:99:267,0,418 0/1:11,9:20:99:206,0,266 0/1:17,15:32:99:347,0,410
22 16256512 . T C 834865 PASS AC=3;AF=0.494;AN=6 GT:AD:DP:GQ:PL 0/1:10,14:24:99:343,0,224 0/1:13,11:24:99:254,0,312 0/1:26,20:46:99:478,0,660
22 30857373 . A C 939637 PASS AC=3;AF=0.63;AN=6 GT:AD:DP:GQ:PL 0/1:47,47:94:99:1478,0,1355 0/1:48,38:86:99:1166,0,1416 0/1:72,73:145:99:2241,0,1931
22 30857448 . A G 815602 PASS AC=3;AF=0.606;AN=6 GT:AD:DP:GQ:PL 0/1:32,31:63:99:861,0,932 0/1:33,40:73:99:1058,0,876 0/1:60,66:126:99:1904,0,1635
22 16256430 . A G 453874 PASS AC=3;AF=0.495;AN=6 GT:AD:DP:GQ:PL:UOPS:UET 0/1:17,12:29:99:267,0,418:-1:-1 0/1:11,9:20:99:206,0,266:-1:-1 0/1:17,15:32:99:347,0,410:-1:-1 22 16256512 . T C 834865 PASS AC=3;AF=0.494;AN=6 GT:AD:DP:GQ:PL:UOPS:UET 0/1:10,14:24:99:343,0,224:-1:-1 0/1:13,11:24:99:254,0,312:-1:-1 0/1:26,20:46:99:478,0,660:-1:-1 22 30857373 . A C 939637 PASS AC=3;AF=0.63;AN=6 GT:AD:DP:GQ:PL:UOPS:UET 1|0:47,47:94:99:1478,0,1355:2:0 0/1:48,38:86:99:1166,0,1416:-1:-1 0/1:72,73:145:99:2241,0,1931:-1:-1 22 30857448 . A G 815602 PASS AC=3;AF=0.606;AN=6 GT:AD:DP:GQ:PL:UOPS:UET 1|0:32,31:63:99:861,0,932:2:0 0/1:33,40:73:99:1058,0,876:-1:-1 0/1:60,66:126:99:1904,0,1635:-1:-1
The GT alleles are separated with |
for phased variants (where FORMAT fields are bold). The added UOPS and UET tags are added to each record, with -1 for variants/samples that were not phased.
Either VCF or BED input can produce a BED as output, with the following columns:
chrom start end vartype kid origin_parent other_parent evidence_count evidence_types
Additional information can be included by using the --verbose
option, which will append the following columns
chrom start end vartype kid origin_parent other_parent evidence_count evidence_types origin_parent_sites origin_parent_reads other_parent_sites other_parent_reads
Evidence counts and types in BED output match those in VCF output.
#chrom start end kid_id var_type
22 16256429 16256430 NA12878 POINT
22 16256511 16256512 NA12878 POINT
22 16266919 16266920 NA12878 POINT
22 16277851 16277852 NA12878 POINT
22 18571007 18571008 NA12878 POINT
22 18844941 18844942 NA12878 POINT
22 21088145 21088146 NA12878 POINT
22 21141299 21141300 NA12878 POINT
22 30857372 30857373 NA12878 POINT
22 30857447 30857448 NA12878 POINT
#chrom start end vartype kid origin_parent other_parent evidence_count evidence_types
22 18844941 18844942 POINT NA12878 NA12892 NA12891 1 READBACKED
22 21088145 21088146 POINT NA12878 NA12892 NA12891 1 READBACKED
22 21141299 21141300 POINT NA12878 NA12892 NA12891 2 READBACKED
22 30857372 30857373 POINT NA12878 NA12891 NA12892 2 READBACKED
22 30857447 30857448 POINT NA12878 NA12891 NA12892 2 READBACKED
Ambiguous results derive from inconsistent phasing (different parent of origin indicated by different informative sites or reads. These may indicate sequencing errors or mosaic events and will not be reported unless the --include-ambiguous
argument is included.
Many variants lack informative sites and are therefore can't be phased. Unfazed also makes no attempt to phase multiallelic sites (which should be very rare among de novo calls). Generally a little under 30% of de novo SNVs/INDELs are phaseable via unfazed, and about 50% of CNV/SV variants. These results may very by quite a bit, depending on the factors like the types of variants. For example, INDELs caused by short tandem repeats are less likely to accurately phase than other INDELs. Large CNVs are also more likely to phase than other SV types, as they are more likely to contain usable informative sites for allele-balance phasing. Unfazed has also been exclusively texted with relatively deep sequencing data (30x coverage or more) and will be less effective with lower depth sequencing.
The runtime of unfazed is highly dependent on the size of the sites VCF, as well as the number of variants and coverage depth. A multithreaded approach is used to improve runtime; however, as the operations are bound by file IO, using more than 2 threads yields diminishing returns (and can even cause a slowdown due to race conditions). Running with 2 threads (default option) is therefore recommended. (Expert note: running with 1 thread can often produce more informative error messages in the case of a silent failure).
Unfazed was tested on a set of 29,029 de novo SNVs/INDELs for a set of 603 samples in the CEPH-Utah cohort, with a set of 19,905,682 variants in the --sites
vcf. This very large input set finished in 58.6 hours with two process threads, a total of 111.5 hours of runtime with 13.8 seconds per input variant.