D3BulletCharts is a QlikView object extension based on the famous D3 JavaScript charting library.
If you install QlikView you'll find an extension example called "Bullet Chart" with a basic implementation to integrate bullet charts in QlikView.
While this kind of visualization (based on a concept created by Stephen Few) is quite famous this extension here offers some more functionality based on a piece of code I have found on bl.ocks.org.
Adding the object:
The final result:
A QlikView sample application using this extension is published in the "Demo" directory
This QlikView Object Extension is only developed and tested with QlikView 11 SR2 or higher.
- v1.0.1 (11/19/2913) - Added support for selecting one of 22 predefined color schemas
- v1.0.0 (11/18/2013) - Initial version
- If you do not like the colors, change the
located in the folderlib/css/
Some improvements I could imagine:
Offering a possibility to select a color scheme- Implementing an option to change between horizontal and vertical layout (see http://www.jasondavies.com/bullet/)
- Additional layout properties for
- font-sizes for "Title", "SubTitle" & "Scale"
- color for "Title", "SubTitle", "Scale"
The software is made available "AS IS" without any warranty of any kind under the MIT License (MIT). Since this is a private project QlikTech support aggreement does not cover support for this software.
- All credits go to Mike Bostok and his fabulous work on the D3 library.
- Icon set(s) used for this solution:
- "Batch Icons" by Adam Whitcroft (http://adamwhitcroft.com/batch/)
- Code:
git clone git://github.com/stefanwalther/qlikview-extension-d3bulletcharts.git
- QlikView Extension (.qar file): download here
- Instructions on installing and deploying QlikView Extensions
- Issues: https://github.com/stefanwalther/QlikView-Extension-D3BulletCharts/issues