Hello! I'm a Senior DevOps Engineer and doing freelance through my company Axelsen consulting. I specialize in helping businesses improve their operations by implementing modern DevOps solutions. My freelance work centers around Kubernetes, Docker, and various CNCF projects, with a focus on building container platforms that streamline software delivery.
Key responsibilities:
- Architecting DevOps Solutions
- Continuous Integration and Deployment (CI/CD)
- Automation and Monitoring
- Collaboration and Leadership
- Best Practices and Knowledge Sharing
I have worked with the following technologies
- Docker
- Kubernetes
- Azure
- Argo CD/WF/Events
- GO
- Python
- Helm
- Rook/Ceph
- Harbor
- Loki
- Prometheus
- Grafana
- Ingress
- Kafka
- Scalable Distributed storage/systems/technologies
- Real time data and architecture for real time data platforms
- Linux/Virtual Machines
- Test automation(Appium, openCV, Selenium)
- JS
- Java
- Github
Bsc. of software engineering from Aalborg University. Courses:
- Advanced Algorithms
- Algorithmics and Data Structures 1
- Computability and Complexity
- Computer Architecture
- Database Systems
- Design and Evaluation of user Interfaces
- Imperativ programming
- Languages and Compilers
- Machine Intelligence
- Object Oriented Programming
- Principles of Operation Systems and Concurrency
- Probability theory and Linear Algebra
- Problem-based Learning in Science, Technology and Society
- Software Engineering
- Syntax and Semantics
- Systems Development
- The Theoretical Foundations of Computer Science
- Theory of Science
- Exploring Software Development Frameworks in the Development of a Complex Software System
- Waste Sorting - Machine intelligence in embedded systems
- EduGraph - an educational graph-oriented programming language
- Booking system for Fratres M
- Optimization of ambulance response times
- Optimization of Copenhagen students' grocery shopping