This is a submodule for the artyins architecture. Please refer to main module for full build details.
Refer to Trello Task list for running tasks.
The classifier service can be called by a HTTP POST call. Primarily on http://artyins-classifierservice:9891/infer_content. It expects a json of the following format
After the content is successfully extracted, it will return a json of the following format
All model inferencing classes needs to implement the abstract Model class from score/ An example is created in score/ All configuration should be set in Finally, add your model into the web service Contributors, please ensure that you add your test codes into
class InferenceConfig():
MODEL_DIR = "model_files"
MODEL_FILE = "svc_iris_model.pickle"
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from schema import Schema
class ModelReport(ABC):
""" An abstract base class for ML model prediction code """
def input_dataschema(self):
Schema({'sentence': str})
def output_dataschema(self):
Schema({'category': And(str,lambda s: s in ('doctrine', 'training','personnel'))
,'prob': And(float,lambda n: 0 <= n <= 100)})
#Implement the loading of model file here
def __init__(self):
raise NotImplementedError()
def predict(self, data):
from score.model import ModelReport
from schema import Schema
from schema import Or
import os
import numpy as np
from config import InferenceConfig
import pickle
class DummyModel(ModelReport):
# Note that this is overridden cos the one defined is meant for Keng On's use case
input_dataschema = Schema({'sepal_length': float,
'sepal_width': float,
'petal_length': float,
'petal_width': float})
# Note that this is overriden cos the one defined is meant for Keng On's use case
output_dataschema = Schema({'species': Or("setosa",
def __init__(self,config=None):
if config == None:
config = InferenceConfig()
def predict(self, mydata):
return ("TRAINING")
if __name__=="__main__":
mymodel =DummyModel()
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt`
This repository is linked to Travis CI/CD. You are required to write the necessary unit tests and edit .travis.yml
if you introduce more model classes.
import unittest
class TestModels(unittest.TestCase):
def test_testmodel(self):
print("Running TestModel Loading and Prediction")
from score.testmodel import IrisSVCModel
mymodel = IrisSVCModel()
def test_modifiedtopicmodel(self):
print("Running empty Modified Topic Model - Sure pass")
pass #Wei Deng to insert
def test_bertmodel(self):
print("Running empty Bert Model - Sure pass")
pass #Kah Siong to insert
if __name__ == '__main__':
#Start gunicorn wsgi server
gunicorn --bind --daemon --workers 1 wsgi:app
Send test POST request
import requests
# api-endpoint
URL = "http://localhost:9891/test"
r = requests.get(url = URL)