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fge edited this page Feb 26, 2013 · 6 revisions


  • Bundle a modified draft v3 core metaschema so as to disallow unknown simple types when using it to validate another schema as an instance (breaks section 5.1 of draft v3, but who cares? Nobody uses custom simple types, and union types are supported anyway, so just use that -- and syntax validation already dubbed such schemas as illegal)


  • Rewrite RhinoHelper so that it plays nicer with older Rhino versions. A problem was at least reported when using YUI, which uses 1.6R7, which would make the JVM fail because the context was sealed.


  • First version of the last 1.x versions.
  • Recursive syntax validation.
  • HTTPS support is now builtin (certificate handling is still the role of the user, however -- do not open bugs related to this!)
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