Refresher quiz from Java (and tools), by use of fortune
OOP - theory of OO, including definition, author, criteria, pillars, etc.
exceptions - error and exception handling in Java
keywords - questions about all Java keywords (till JDK11)
jdbc - JDBC related questions (only simple ones, 21 of them now)
git - distributed version control system Git
mvn - Maven, Java build tool
From the terminal:
git clone this-repository
cd powtorka
- change the dir name if you cloned or moved this elsewhere or renamed the dir name -
strfile -c % fileNameHere
- creates a binary file DB forfortune
fortune fileNameHere
- uses the file, giving the random fortune (that is, a random question) -
mv fileNameHere fileNameHere.dat /usr/share/games/fortunes
- assuming your fortune dir is/usr/share/games/fortunes
you can now delete the repo and use the fortune-quiz :-)
man fortune
to the rescue if you want to know more!
Or you can clone the repository and launch to install the files. :-)