Made with Express and MongoDB
Just a dead simple working library management system.
(Resource management only, no user management)
Currently, I manage to bring it online here via Heroku free dyno and the database is also hosted online via DaaS free Mongodb instance. But whether it remains online forever is not promised.
A Unix-based machine with node (>5.0) and npm.
Clone, install npm dependencies and then get it running.
$ git clone
$ cd Library-Management-V1
$ npm install
$ DEBUG=Library-Management-V1:* npm run devstart
After these step head to localhost:3000 and you should see the site up and running there.
Also, you may want to go to app.js
and replace var mongoDB
with another value so that it suits your database setting.
- Node (via Express Framework)
- MongoDB (via Mongoose ODM)
- Pug (as a templating engine)
- Other small dependencies like
- Async
- Express-validator
- Helmet
- Moment
- Compression