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Generate Python SDKs for any third-party API by intercepting network requests.


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🦊 web2sdk

Automatically turn third party APIs into Python SDKs

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Web2sdk is a set of tools for reverse engineering APIs by intercepting network requests. It processes HAR files exported from Chrome devtools into an OpenAPI schema, then automatically generates a python SDK based on the schema. Each method in the python SDK corresponds to an endpoint, and includes strongly typed arguments, requests, and responses.



  • Generates an OpenAPI/Swagger yaml schema from any web-based flow
  • Automatically merges requests to the same endpoint
  • Generates pydantic classes based on OpenAPI request and response schemas
  • Supports basic and bearer auth schemes
  • Supports overriding default headers

Example output

import json
import http.client
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from pydantic import BaseModel
from typing import Optional, Dict, List, Any

class GetConversationsRequestParameters(BaseModel):
  offset: Optional[float] = None
  limit: Optional[float] = None
  order: Optional[str] = None

class GetConversationsResponse(BaseModel):
  items: Optional[List] = None
  total: Optional[float] = None
  limit: Optional[float] = None
  offset: Optional[float] = None
  has_missing_conversations: Optional[bool] = None

class ChatGPTAPI(BaseModel):
  hostname: str
  token: str

  def get_conversations(self, request_parameters:
    GetConversationsRequestParameters, *, override_headers: dict={}
    ) ->GetConversationsResponse:
    conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection(self.hostname)
    params = '&'.join([(k + '=' + v) for k, v in request_parameters.
    headers = {'User-Agent': 'Web2sdk/1.0', 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' +
    conn.request('GET', '/backend-api/conversations?' + params + '',
    res = conn.getresponse()
    data ='utf-8')
    return json.loads(data)

  def post_conversation(self, request_body: PostConversationRequestBody,
        *, override_headers: dict={}) ->Any
### ...etc


1. Export HAR file

  • Open Chrome devtools and go to "Network".

  • Go through a flow on a website that triggers the requests you want to capture and reverse engineer. The more varied the requests the better, as a single request might not capture all the possible request and response schemas for a particular endpoint.

  • Click the button shown below to export the HAR file. Don't worry about filtering out requests, that happens later.

  • Also compatible with mitmweb exports.

    CleanShot 2024-08-27 at 21 11 53

2. Install web2sdk

$ pip install web2sdk

3. Generate an OpenAPI spec and SDK

$ web2sdk --requests-path <path/to/har/or/flow/file> --base-url <> --sdk-name FinicSDK --auth-type bearer
  • base-url filters out requests that don't start with the url provided. This should include everything up until the endpoints you want to reverse engineer.
  • For example, will match only requests to the v1 endpiont, but will match requests from v1, v2, and any other paths after /api.
  • Generated files will be saved to generated/<sdk_name>.yaml and generated/<sdk_name>.py in the current directory by default.

4. Run your python SDK.

from generated.FinicSDK import FinicSDK

finic = FinicSDK(hostname="", token="your_token_here")
finic.post_message({ message: "hi there" }, override_headers={ "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7)" })
  • Each method in the generated SDK corresponds to an endpoint
  • You can pass in any headers you want. By default, only Authorization and User-Agent headers are included.
  • Some methods accept parameters and/or request bodies. Inspect the function to see what arguments it takes.

Other Options

-- auth <basic|bearer>

  • Optional, defaults to none. If set, the generated SDK class will expect a username and password for basic auth or a token for bearer auth.


  • Optional, defaults to generated/ in the current directory. Specify a directory for the generated .yaml and .py files to be saved.


  • Run in interactive mode. Not well supported.

🚧 Planned Improvements

  • Support for oauth and custom auth schemes. In the mean
  • Automatic auth token refresh
  • Support for templated API paths (e.g.{organization_id}/chat_conversations)
  • Use LLMs to generate more readable class names, example request payloads, and other tasks that require fuzzy reasoning
  • Include a linter/formatter to make generated SDK more readable


Web2sdk's includes a modified version of mitmproxy2swagger.


Generate Python SDKs for any third-party API by intercepting network requests.







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