A satirical tech experiment and demonstration of a mapping interface for the responsive web.
Primarily an excuse to check out Puppeteer, I used this to scrape a list of castles on Wikipedia.
Secondarily, a way to publicise and build on my Mapbox learnings over the last year or so. Where I’ve used markers in Mapbox for flexibility in styling, GeoJSON layers have proven far more performant. Component-ising helps to manage the alternative style options.
Dark mode is supported by the use of two map styles and a neat trick to remount the slot content.
Thirdly, to test yet another approach to the bottom sheet, inspired by Apple Maps. Still not there. The web brings some limitations, and Safari even more. Some of the issues stem from attempts to adjust the scrolling height according to the content in the header of the card.
For fun, the logo includes an SVG path transition when hovered. This only works in Chrome afaik.
yarn install
yarn serve
yarn build
yarn lint