Elixir O-Auth for the Spotify Web API
Add spotify_ex to your list of dependencies in
:def deps do [{:spotify_ex, "~> 0.0.1"}] end
Ensure spotify_ex is started before your application:
def application do [applications: [:spotify_ex]] end
The Spotify API follows the O Auth 2 spec, providing 3 potential authentication flows:
To connect with the Spotify API, first you must register your app with Spotify, and get your Client ID and Client Secret, which are necessary for authentication.
In /config
, create config/secret.exs
and config/spotify.exs
use Mix.Config
config :spotify_ex, client_id: "<YOUR CLIENT ID>"
secret_key: "<YOUR SECRET KEY>"
use Mix.Config
config :spotify_ex, user_id: "<YOUR SPOTIFY USER ID>",
callback_url: "<YOUR CALLBACK URL>"
Add the secret file to your .gitignore, and import it in config.exs
import "config.secret.exs"
import "spotify.secret.exs"
First your application must be authorized by Spotify. SpotifyEx will use the client ID, callback URI, and scopes set in your config file to generate the authorization endpoint.
Phoenix example (Example app found at SpotifyExTest)
defmodule SpotifyExTest.AuthorizationController do
use SpotifyExTest.Web, :controller
def authorize(conn, _params) do
redirect conn, external: Spotify.Authorization.call
This will take you to the Spotify Authorization page. After authorizing your app, you will be directed to now authenticate as a Spotify User. When successfull, you will be redirected to the callback uri you set in the config file.
You must be explicit about the permissions your users have when handling Spotify account data. These permissions are set during the authorization request. You can read about them here.
To set your scopes, add them to the list in your spotify.exs
config :spotify_ex, scopes: ["playlist-read-private", "playlist-modify-private" "# more scopes"]
O-auth requires identical reqirect URIs for to use for the authorization and authentication steps. When you attempt to authenticate with Spotify, if successful, Spotify needs to know where to send the user afterwards. The redirect URI tells Spotify where to send them.
config :spotify_ex, callback_url: "http://www.your-api.com/auth-endpoint"
Set it in your config file. Now that your application is authorized, the user must be authenticated. Spotify is going to send an authorization code in the query string to this endpoint, which should then send that code to Spotify to request an access token and a remember token.
config :spotify_ex, callback_url: "http://localhost:4000/authenticate"
Authenticate like this:
Spotify.Authentication.call(conn, params)
Spotify.Authentication.call will look for params["code"]; the code sent back by Spotify after authorization request. If successful, the user will be redirected to the URL set in the spotify.exs
file, where you can handle different responses.
defmodule SpotifyExTest.AuthenticationController do
use SpotifyExTest.Web, :controller
def authenticate(conn, params) do
case Spotify.Authentication.call(conn, params) do
{ 200, conn, %{"access_token" => token} } ->
# do stuff with token if you wish
redirect conn, to: "/whereever-you-want-to-go"
{ 404, _ } -> redirect conn, to: "/error"
{ 500, _ }-> redirect conn, to: "/error"
The authentication module will set refresh and access tokens in a cookie. The access token expires every hour, and you'll need to check your reponses for 401 errors. Call Spotify.Authentication.refresh, if there is a refresh token present. If not, you'll need to redirect back to Authorization:
** Phoenix example (Example app found at SpotifyExTest) **
defmodule SpotifyExTest.PlaylistController do
use SpotifyExTest.Web, :controller
plug :check_tokens
def index(conn, _params) do
case Spotify.Playlist.current_user_playlists(conn) do
:authorize -> redirect conn, external: Spotify.Authorization.call
{ 200, playlists } ->
render conn, "index.html", playlists: playlists
defp check_tokens(conn, _params) do
unless Spotify.Authentication.tokens_present?(conn) do
redirect conn, external: Spotify.Authorization.call
defmodule Spotify.Playlist do
def current_user_playlists(conn) do
case HTTPoison.get("https://api.spotify.com/v1/users/#{Spotify.current_user}/playlists", headers(conn)) do
{:ok, %HTTPoison.Response{status_code: 200, body: body}} ->
{:ok, %{ "items" => items }} = Poison.decode(body)
{200, items}
{:ok, %HTTPoison.Response{status_code: 404}} ->
{ 404, "Not found :(" }
{:ok, %HTTPoison.Response{status_code: 401, body: _body}} ->
if Spotify.Authentication.get_refresh_token do
{ 200, conn, %{ "access_token" => access_token }} = Spotify.Authentication.refresh(conn)
conn = Spotify.Authentication.set_access_cookie(conn, access_token)
{:error, %HTTPoison.Error{reason: reason}} ->
{ 500, reason }
def headers(conn) do
{"Authorization", "Bearer #{Spotify.Authentication.get_access_cookie(conn)}"},
{"Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}
TODO: Client credentials flow and Implicit grant flow examples. The good news is they are much simpler than the Authorization flows.