I create this project, because Oracle has no plans to release official Docker images for Oracle Reports & Forms Server 12c, so I have to build it by myself.
Official Oracle Weblogic scripts and images are the base for this project https://github.com/oracle/docker-images/tree/master/OracleWebLogic. Then I have to figure out how to make a completely unattended installation for Reports & Forms 12.2.1, and at this point, I reached this two great posts that helped me a lot:
http://dirknachbar.blogspot.com.es/2017/05/how-to-install-and-configure-oracle.html http://robertcrames.blogspot.com.es/2017/05/how-to-install-and-configure-oracle.html
All you know that Oracle Reports Server needs a Database for hosting Repository metadata that is created througt RCU utility. For testing purpose, I use another Oracle DB 12c container ready to use (not the Oracle official one). https://hub.docker.com/r/pengbai/docker-oracle-12c-r1/
IMPORTANT: By now the architecture is working with a Managed Reports Server running on AdminServerMachine. Go to TO DO section for other architecture and cluster configuration.
1º Create a Docker Network docker network create oranet
2º Deploy Oracle DB 12c container with AL32UTF8 Charset: docker run -d --name DB12cRCU --network oranet --shm-size=2g -p 8080:8080 -p 1521:1521 -e ORACLE_SID=xe -e CHARACTER_SET=AL32UTF8 -e ORACLE_CHARACTERSET=AL32UTF8 pengbai/docker-oracle-12c-r1 Connect to DB with some SQL Client, and set SYS Password to oracleDocker17: ALTER USER SYS IDENTIFIED BY oracleDocker17
3º Build Oracle Java base image. Download JDK from http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/server-jre8-downloads-2133154.html, move to OracleJava/java-8: sh build.sh
4º Build Oracle Oracle FMW 12c Infrastructure base image. Download FMW distribution from http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/middleware/weblogic/downloads/wls-for-dev-1703574.html and Reports & Forms distribution fmw_12. Move to OracleWebLogic/dockerfiles. sh buildDockerImage.sh -v 12.2.1 -i
5º Extend previously created Oracle Oracle FMW 12c Infrastructure base image. Move to OracleWebLogic/samples. sudo docker build -t oracle:weblogicInfraDomain 1221-domain --network oranet --build-arg ADMIN_PASSWORD=Weblogic12C17 --build-arg PRODUCTION_MODE=dev --build-arg DEBUG_FLAG=false --build-arg DB_HOST=DB12cRCU --build-arg DB_SERVICE=xe.oracle.docker --build-arg DB_USER_PW=oracleDocker17 --build-arg DB_USER_ADMIN=SYS --build-arg SCHEMA_PREFIX=DEVREP --build-arg REPORTS12C=true --build-arg FORMS12C=false
6º Run a Docker image: docker run -d --name wlsadminInfra --hostname wlsadminInfra --network oranet -p 7001:7001 -v /var/container-volumes/reports:/usr/reports -p 7002:7002 -p 9001:9001 -p 9002:9002 -p 8453:8453 oracle:weblogicInfraDomain
IMPORTANT: This tasks I would liked to be fully unattended with some scripts as others image build commands, but due to lack of time, I stoped development.
1º Get inside container: docker exec -ti wlsadminInfra /bin/bash
2º With nano (as my favourite text editor), modify nodemanager.properties to set StopScriptEnabled=true and StartScriptEnabled=true nano nodemanager/nodemanager.properties
3º Start Admin Server Node Manager: nohup ./bin/startNodeManager.sh &
4º With WLST create ReportsToolsInstance and ReportsServerInstance wlst connect("weblogic","Weblogic12C17","wlsadminInfra:7001") createReportsToolsInstance(instanceName='reptools1',machine='AdminServerMachine') createReportsServerInstance(instanceName='rep_server1',machine='AdminServerMachine')
5º Start rep_server1 (will ask for Weblogic admin password, in this example Weblogic12C17) ./bin/startComponent.sh rep_server1 storeUserConfig
6º From the Weblogic Admin console, start Managed Reports Server http://localhost:7001/console/
7º With nano, review all this files to ensure they are equal to his template inside /container-scripts nano /u01/oracle/user_projects/domains/base_domain/config/fmwconfig/components/ReportsServerComponent/rep_server1/rwserver.conf nano /u01/oracle/user_projects/domains/base_domain/config/fmwconfig/servers/ManagedServer@RepSrv2c8afa13641e/applications/reports_12.2.1/configuration/rwserver.conf nano /u01/oracle/user_projects/domains/base_domain/config/fmwconfig/servers/ManagedServer@RepSrv2c8afa13641e/applications/reports_12.2.1/configuration/rwservlet.properties nano /u01/oracle/user_projects/domains/base_domain/config/fmwconfig/servers/ManagedServer@RepSrv2c8afa13641e/applications/reports_12.2.1/configuration/cgicmd.dat
8º Stop rep_server1 ./bin/stopComponent.sh rep_server1
9º From the Weblogic Admin console, stop Managed Reports Server http://localhost:7001/console/
10º Start again Start rep_server1 ./bin/startComponent.sh rep_server1 storeUserConfig
11º Start again from the Weblogic Admin console Managed Reports Server http://localhost:7001/console/
IMPORTANT: I didn´t needed to get Forms Server work, so simply I didn´t test it. Feel free to test and share your improvements to get it up and working.
I made changes to set local time to Spain, global NLS to SPANISH_SPAIN.WE8ISO8859P15 and envid NLS_LANG to SPANISH_SPAIN.WE8ISO8859P1
I Tested with all this scripts and docker files to build and and for an unknown reason to me, this images didn´t work or simply failed to build. If you made improvements to build this new distribution version, let me know.
IMPORTANT: Only tested for development purpose, if you intend to use for production, do it at your own risk.
During image build, RCU is executed in silent mode, so if need to change example´s SYS password (oracleDocker17) for Repository DB, you need to edit passwordfile.txt on /container-scripts. First password is SYS password of DB, and second line is password for new repository schemas. I recomend you to set it the same, or you will need to modify crFRExtension.py script and Dockerfile.
As I wrote don´t have much time right now to improve this images, so feel free to make them better and share your improvements, I will review and commit to this project. If there is more people interested on this project, I will try to find some time to finish my work.
Make scripts to avoid manual post-installation tasks
Build and test and versions
Test and provide needed post-installation to Forms Server
Test and make needed scripts to create separated Managed servers on linked containers (I have this configuration working with Weblogic 12c generic distribution. No repository needed)