This is a simple web-based Rajasthan Technical University SGPA calculator designed for different semesters. It allows users to input their grades for each subject and calculates the SGPA based on predefined grade points and subject credits.
- Engineering Mathematics-I: 4 credits
- Engineering Chemistry: 4 credits
- Human Values: 2 credits
- Programming for Problem Solving: 2 credits
- Basic Civil Engineering: 2 credits
- Engineering Chemistry Lab: 1 credit
- Human Values Activities: 1 credit
- Computer Programming Lab: 1.5 credits
- Basic Civil Engineering Lab: 1 credit
- Computer Aided Engineering Graphics: 1.5 credits
- DECA (Development & Resource Centre Activities): 0.5 credits
- Engineering Mathematics-II: 4 credits
- Engineering Physics: 4 credits
- Communication Skills: 2 credits
- Basic Mechanical Engineering: 2 credits
- Basic Electrical Engineering: 2 credits
- Engineering Physics Lab: 1 credit
- Language Lab: 1 credit
- Manufacturing Practices Workshop: 1.5 credits
- Basic Electrical Engineering Lab: 1 credit
- Computer Aided Machine Drawing: 1.5 credits
- DECA (Development & Resource Centre Activities): 0.5 credits
- Advanced Engineering Mathematics: 3 credits
- Managerial Economics & Financial Accounting: 2 credits
- Digital Electronics: 3 credits
- Data Structures and Algorithms: 3 credits
- Object Oriented Programming: 3 credits
- Software Engineering: 3 credits
- Data Structures and Algorithms Lab: 1.5 credits
- Object Oriented Programming Lab: 1.5 credits
- Software Engineering Lab: 1.5 credits
- Digital Electronics Lab: 1.5 credits
- Industrial Training: 1 credit
- Social Outreach, Discipline & Extracurricular Activities: 0.5 credits
- Discrete Mathematics Structure: 3 credits
- Technical Communication: 2 credits
- Microprocessor & Interfaces: 3 credits
- Database Management System: 3 credits
- Theory of Computation: 3 credits
- Data Communication and Computer Networks: 3 credits
- Microprocessor & Interfaces Lab: 1 credit
- Database Management System Lab: 1.5 credits
- Network Programming Lab: 1.5 credits
- Linux Shell Programming Lab: 1 credit
- Java Lab: 1 credit
- Social Outreach, Discipline & Extracurricular Activities: 0.5 credits
- Information Theory & Coding: 2 credits
- Compiler Design: 3 credits
- Operating System: 3 credits
- Computer Graphics & Multimedia: 3 credits
- Analysis of Algorithms: 3 credits
- Human-Computer Interaction: 2 credits
- Computer Graphics & Multimedia Lab: 1 credit
- Compiler Design Lab: 1 credit
- Analysis of Algorithms Lab: 1 credit
- Advance Java Lab: 1 credit
- Industrial Training: 2.5 credits
- Social Outreach, Discipline & Extracurricular Activities: 0.5 credits
- Digital Image Processing: 2 credits
- Machine Learning: 3 credits
- Information Security Systems: 2 credits
- Computer Architecture and Organization: 3 credits
- Artificial Intelligence: 2 credits
- Cloud Computing: 3 credits
- Distributed Systems: 2 credits
- Digital Image Processing Lab: 1.5 credits
- Machine Learning Lab: 1.5 credits
- Python Lab: 1.5 credits
- Mobile App Development Lab: 1.5 credits
- Social Outreach, Discipline & Extracurricular Activities: 0.5 credits
- Environmental Engineering & Disaster Management: 3 credits
- Internet Of Things: 3 credits
- Internet Of Things Lab: 2 credits
- Cyber Security Lab: 2 credits
- Industrial Training: 2.5 credits
- Seminar: 2 credits
- Social Outreach, Discipline & Extracurricular Activities: 0.5 credits
- Big Data Analytics: 3 credits
- Big Data Analytics Lab: 2 credits
- Software Testing & Validation Lab: 1 credit
- Project: 7 credits
- Social Outreach, Discipline & Extracurricular Activities: 0.5 credits
- Disaster Management: 3 credits
- Select the grade for each subject from the dropdown menus based on the respective semester.
- Click the "Calculate SGPA" button to see the calculated SGPA.
The following grade points are used for the calculation:
- A++: 10
- A+: 9
- A: 8.5
- B+: 8
- B: 7.5
- C+: 7
- C: 6.5
- D+: 6
- D: 5.5
- E+: 5
- E: 4
- F: 0
This SGPA calculator was created using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Feel free to modify the code or customize the styles based on your preferences.