#Matlab implementation of data extraction and visualization
##MOD14 Files:
The MOD14 files contain
Array containing sensor data for each pixel Classes: 0 missing input data 1 not processed (obsolete) 2 not processed (obsolete) 3 non-fire water 4 cloud 5 non-fire land 6 unknown 7 fire (low confidence) 8 fire (nominal confidence) 9 fire (high confidence)
###FP_latitude: Variable length vector (the number of pixels identified as firepixels) containing latitude of firepixels
###FP_longitude: Variable length vector (the number of pixels identified as firepixels) containing longitude of firepixels
###FP_confidence: Variable length vector (the number of pixels identified as firepixels) containing confidence of fire identification
##MOD03 Files:
The MOD03 files contain
###Latitude: Array (same size as fire_mask) containing the latitude of each pixel
###Longitude: Array (same size as fire_mask) containing the longitude of each pixel
##Function files:
Contains function mod2mat, which takes MOD14 filename of the form MOD14.A[year][dayinyear].[24hrtime].[version].[timetaken].hdf, finds the corresponding MOD03 file (of the same form, just MOD03 at the front), and combines the relevant data into a struct with 5 fields:
u.data - array which contains the fire_mask data
u.long - array which contains the longitudes of each pixel in the fire_mask data
u.lat - array which contains the latitude of each pixel in the fire_mask data
u.conf - array which contains the confidence of fire identification of each pixel in the fire_mask data (no fire is 0 confidence) from 1-100
u.title - the file name where the struct is saved, similar to what was given, A[year][dayinyear].[24hrtime].[version].mat
Contains function allmod2mat, which takes all of the MOD14 files in a directory and feeds them through the mod2mat function
Contains function showmat which takes a struct and pushes it through the geoshow function, allowing just one swath to be plotted
Contains function showmatfiles(lonlat) which takes a range for latitude and longitude (default is a box containing the united states) and plots all firemasks which intersect that box to a single figure. Optional output for the function is a cell array containing the filenames for the firemasks which were used to make the plot.
The input is expected in the form [ LowerLongitudeBound UpperLongitudeBound LowerLatitudeBound UpperLatitudeBound ]