Current version:
Data Warehouse, Business Intelligence, data integration helpers. Unifies database connectors to DBI, RJDBC, RODBC, csv. Easy managing multiple simultaneous db connections. MDX like queries on cube class object. Data modelling helpers, denormalization of star schema and snowflake schema, basic normalization. And more.
For basic examples of each function see introduction vignette.
- db: simple database interface accross multiple various connections.
- CUBE: cube class object and MDX like queries on it.
- timing: measure function timing and process metadata, for extended logging see logR package.
- pkgsVersion: batch package version compare between libraries.
- joinbyv: batch join tables, denormalization of star schema or snowflake schema modeled data.
- build_hierarchy: basic hierarchy detection.
- eav: Entity-Attribute-Value data manipulation.
- shinyBI: shinyApp for making aggregates on star schema data.
- idxv: DT binary search on multiple keys, also known as Nth setkey.
- more in introduction vignette.
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