This project aims to create a web app for a course registration system.
The detailed requirements are as follows:
A student can do the following:
• Log in to his/her account
• Modify password
• Upon logging in, the student would see a screen with the following information: course(s) registered for the current quarter (and the ability to switch to a different quarter), restriction (if any), and link to course registration page (where he/she can add/drop/search courses)
• Register for up to 3 courses per quarter
• In the case of students overloading courses (registering for the 4th course), an automatic email will be generated for the relevant personnel for approval
• View courses registered for and previous courses
• Search for course(s) by different criteria
• Add course(s)
• Drop course(s)
• View restrictions and being alerted when attempting to register for courses
• View timesheet of course(s) in tabular form
• View grades received
A faculty can do the following:
• Log in to his/her account
• Modify password
• Upon logging in, faculty would see a page where they can enter grades for students in his/her course
models: containing classes Course, User, Student, StudentInterface, Faculty, FacultyInterface
controllers: containing class AddCourseController, DropCourseController, SearchEngine, Login, and the file containing the process for emailing students who overload courses
utilities: containing class DBConnection, file with the credentials to log in to the local MySQL database, file to create and populate a collection in MongoDB, and other files with helper functions
tests: file containing 12 unit tests
data: contains the file Dump20210317.sql needed to recreate MySQL database. I also included several csv files that I used to populate the database
api_server: I use FastAPI to create end points for my webapp in the file
web: build folder for frontend of this project from React
- Import Dump20210317.sql file
- Fill in user and password in the file under utilities folder according to your credentials
Install MongoDB and the following libraries: pymongo, faker Run (from folder utilities) once to create a collection and populate the collection
You must install the databases before continuing with these steps.
Install FastAPI:
Using pip: pip install fastapi uvicorn
Using conda: conda install fastapi uvicorn -c conda-forge
Install aiofiles with either pip (pip install aiofiles) or conda (conda install -c anaconda aiofiles) for static files. You can read more here:
Other packages that potentially need installation: pymysql, smtplib (with either pip or conda)
If you use Pycharm: open folder final_project, open and hit the green Run button in the second last line of the file.
If you use the command prompt, run "python3"
Go to localhost:8000/web to access the web app