This is a set of pycrypto and pyasn1 based tools to create, load and verify public key infrastructure material like:
- RSA keys
- PKCS#10 certificate signing requests
This library can be used to produce RSA key pairs and corresponding certificate signing requests that can be used to request a new SSL certificate for your domain/server.
1. From source cloned from Github
$python install
2. Using pip or easy_install
$pip install pkiutils
When you need a 3rd party SSL certificate you will be asked for a CSR (certificate signing request). The following commands will generate your personal key and the CSR file required and output them to /root
import pkiutils
key = pkiutils.create_rsa_key(2048, keyfile='/root/')
From here you would provide your certification authority the contents of '/root/'
Pkiutils is documented using Sphinx, you can read the documentation at
The pkiutils package is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.