Bit of a recap of what's been happening in React 16 and what we might expect to see in React 17.
Using the awesome mdx-deck.
Slides at
- sw-yx's amazingly thorough collection of async related mentions, talks, posts etc.
- Dan's talk at JSConf Iceland
- BenoitZugmeyer's rebuild of Dan's Suspense demo: Code | Demo
- Time Slicing demos: Dan's | Animation blocking
- Interactivity on the web
- getDerivedStateFromProps ???: You Probably Don't Need Derived State | @mjackson asking what it's for
- New Profiler: Introducing the React Profiler | Brian Vaughn stream using it | Sw-yx's Netlify post | And a video of it
- Strict mode
- Try Suspense now: react-suspense-starter | react-async-elements
- More posts: auth0 | pusher | logrocket | apollo
- Async related NPM packages React team are publishing: simple-cache-provider | Scheduler NPM package