An R package with tools to be used in the other OHDSI R packages
- Auto code formatting
- Auto checking of R code
- Functions for parallel computation
- Functions for logging
- Functions used for automating analyses
- Functions for retrieving cohort definition and concept set metadata, status, and composition (SQL/JSON/CSV) from ATLAS
# Auto-format all R files in a package:
# Identify problems in R code in a package:
# Run a function in parallel:
fun <- function(x) {
return (x^2)
cluster <- makeCluster(numberOfThreads = 3)
result <- clusterApply(cluster, 1:10, fun)
# Insert cohort definition JSON and SQL into a study package:
insertCohortDefinitionInPackage(123, "MyocardialInfarction", baseUrl = "")
# Insert concept set concept Ids into a study package:
insertConceptSetConceptIdsInPackage(baseUrl = "", fileName = "conceptsetids.csv")
# Get a formatted cohort definition name (no bracketed prefixes) from Atlas:
getCohortDefinitionName(baseUrl = "", definitionId = 123, formatName = TRUE)
# Get a formatted concept set name (no bracketed prefixes) from Atlas:
getConceptSetName(baseUrl = "", setId = 123, formatName = TRUE)
# Get all concept Ids from a concept set from Atlas:
getConceptSetConceptIds(baseUrl = "", setId = 123)
# Get a data frame filled with generation statuses of multiple cohort definitions across multiple CDM sources in Atlas:
getCohortGenerationStatuses(baseUrl = "", definitionIds = c(1234), sourceKeys = c("blah"))
OhdsiRTools is an R package.
Requires R (version 3.1.0 or higher)
- In R, use the following commands to download and install OhdsiRTools:
- Vignette: Logging using OhdsiRTools
- Vignette: Parallel execution using OhdsiRTools
- Package manual: OhdsiRTools.pdf
- Developer questions/comments/feedback: OHDSI Forum
- We use the GitHub issue tracker for all bugs/issues/enhancements
OhdsiRTools is licensed under Apache License 2.0
OhdsiRTools is being developed in R Studio.
Ready for use
- This project is supported in part through the National Science Foundation grant IIS 1251151.