Sixteen is a Hacker News client built for Android.
It uses the awesome Hex API built by Sean Powell.
You can download it from the Play Store here.
The API is currently down so I've removed the app from the store, I've added a commit to load dummy data from a local source if you wish to run the app anyway.
The main aim was to build out a Hacker News client that I enjoyed using, relying on modern Android technologies, so there is heavy influence from two apps I love, Boost For Reddit and Hex for Hacker News.
- 100% Kotlin
- Coroutines
- MVVM using LiveData
- View Binding
- Koin
- Retrofit
- JUnit5
- MockK
- Top/Ask/Jobs/New Stories/Show HN
- Light/dark themes
- Collapsable comments
- Sorting stories/comments
- Sharing articles/comments
Pull requests are welcome. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.